Community groups from the length of East Loch Lomond are celebrating after sharing more than £31,500 worth of grants from a local hydro society.

The second-year profits from the Buchanan Community Hydro Society have led to the community benefit company being able to support 16 initiatives from six groups based in the area.

BCHS was commissioned in July 2022 with financial surpluses earmarked to support projects within the Stirlingshire parish of Buchanan – from Rowardennan to Balmaha, Milton of Buchanan, Buchanan Smithy and Buchanan Castle Estate to the south.

The biggest beneficiary was Buchanan Memorial Hall, which bagged three awards totalling £16,550 for flooring, decoration and a feasibility study into the future use of the hall.

Committee chair for the hall, Sheena McAllister, said: “The awards received from BCHS are helping – and hopefully will continue to help – the hall committee to improve the facilities available in the hall.

“We hope to start the feasibility study as soon as possible which will advise us of the options for the hall’s future.”

Drymen, Croftamie and Buchanan Gala Day were another group delighted with an award of £2,354.

Louise Macfarlane from the gala day group said: “We’re very grateful to have received funding from BCHS.

“As this was our first post-covid event – and with the current cost of living crisis – we felt it was important to make the day as affordable to all as possible.

“Thanks to this funding we were able to provide free entertainment for all ages, a marquee in case of rain, and comfort of knowing we had first aiders on site throughout the event.”

A community group formed in the wake of the Church of Scotland’s decision to close Buchanan church has also been awarded £6,240 for a feasibility study into future potential ownership and usage of the building.

Maureen Saunders – one of the group’s organising committee – said: “As a newly formed trust, one of our main aims is to secure this building as a community asset, for the community to use now and in the future.“

East Loch Lomond Community Trust submitted four successful applications worth a total of £1,600.

ELLCT secretary Margaret McDonald was left delighted with the news.

She said: “Last year’s Christmas tree and lights switch on event was such a success that we felt we should repeat it this year.

“That’s been made possible thanks to our award from BCHS which is also allowing us to organise an end of summer community picnic.”

The ELLCT awards will also support hosting and maintenance of its website, stationery expenses and general running costs.

The second year of the fund has now taken the total value of the funds made available to more than £50,000 – with award applications for next year opening in Spring 2025.

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