Common-sense steps to save more swimmers’ lives

Brooklyn: Re “The big plus = more lifeguards” (editorial, Aug. 27): It is admirable that the state and city are funding a new outdoor swimming pool for use in the summer season (to cool off), and will be expanding swimming opportunities, albeit with insufficient lifeguards for full staffing at all NYC pools and beaches. Working at the community level, we offer the following suggestions:

1. Swim education, not only for all second graders. Only a small percentage get such an educational opportunity and for only a limited time, often without opportunities to practice newly learned skills. We also agree with the City Council that swim education be made available to all students from third to 12th grades.

2. More pools. Restore currently inoperable pools in schools and parks, many of which can be used year-round by all ages. Build new pools based upon the latest technologies, which were on display at the 2024 U.S. Olympic swim trials and at the Paris Olympic Games. These new technologies will change how the School Construction Authority (SCA) builds new or renovates existing pools. Create a pool/pools capable of hosting elite aquatic events.

3. Recruit and train more lifeguards. In the short term, recruit retirees from the police, fire and parks departments as well as collegiate athletes. Investigate the possibility of hiring international student athletes as summer lifeguards. Find ways to subsidize their training program. With adequate lifeguard staff, all NYC beaches can remain open until 8 p.m. so that working New Yorkers may swim after work. Host lifeguard training at sites across the five boroughs and certify seasonal lifeguards before they leave at summer’s end. Carl Quigley (former NYC lifeguard), Michael Randazzo (executive director, Inclusive Community Wellness) & Roberta Weisbrod (executive director, Worldwide Ferry Safety Association)

For the public good

Manhattan: We, the people of NYC, should demand public transportation be free, a dedicated small tax be implemented for all New Yorkers, and congestion pricing put at a lower and more reasonable amount for drivers. This will free the police to patrol stations and help reduce crime. It’s better for the environment, and fewer people will be arrested and fined for jumping the turnstiles. This would be a win-win for all New Yorkers. I guess that’s why it won’t be done. Heyward Johnson

Zero tolerance

Kew Gardens: When we see acts of violence such as the report of six girls attacking a 76-year-old man (“6 girls beat 76-yr.-old man with scooter at subway stop in Brooklyn,” Aug. 30), it’s yet another reminder that our laws are out of date. They must be amended immediately to severely punish those, young and old, who commit violence against innocent citizens. We need to do away with parole in some cases (perhaps most), and the leniency shown to first-time offenders and violent youth. It is time to send a message that violence in any form will not be tolerated. While rehabilitation is a part of the answer for those willing to change their ways, sentences must be longer and more severe as a deterrent and for keeping dangerous people off the streets. It’s time to take our streets and neighborhoods back. Mayor Adams, as an ex-cop, should be leading this initiative. S. Wilson

Obsolete system

Hamilton Square, N.J.: When the Electoral College is dissolved and the one-person-one-vote method is relied on to allow a real majority to elect the president, we will have a true voice on Election Day. Permitting a few swing states to determine those who hold so much power is the least democratic way to be governed. The dictionary defines democracy as majority rules. Let’s make this true. It’s time. Eileen Johnson 

Desecrated ground

Fishkill, N.Y.: Donald Trump just can’t stop insulting veterans. Now, he and his bully gang pushed their way onto sacred ground at Arlington National Cemetery’s Section 60, America’s most sacred and hallowed ground. Federal law, Army policy, accepted protocols and common decency prohibit political campaigns from using the cemetery for a political campaign photo-op. That’s exactly what the Trump entourage did. They should be ashamed, but you can’t shame these classless bullies. This comes a week after he devalued the Medal of Honor by claiming that the Medal of Freedom is “much better,” giving it to a woman whose family has contributed close to a quarter billion dollars to Republican causes, think tanks and Trump SuperPACs. Maybe she did something extraordinary for the cause of freedom, but we are positive that Medal of Honor recipients earned their medals demonstrating valor, many sacrificing their lives with the last full measure of devotion. Gerald Browne

Affronted resting place

Darien, Conn.: My brother is buried in Arlington, and on Monday was disgraced by the former president with his full camera crew for his political photo-op, and his aides shoving an Arlington staff employee. My brother valiantly served this country, and Trump nightmarishly stepped all over my brother’s grave. Dan Singer

Repeat revolt

Manhattan: Just so that I’m prepared this time around: If Trump loses the election in November, it was again rigged and stolen from him by the Democrats? And he and his MAGA supporters are going to storm the Capitol again to take back the country from the Democrats. But this time, no charges will be brought against Trump because he has presidential immunity, as conferred on him by the Supreme Court. Does that about sum it up? Chana Schwartz

Count on it

Charlotte, N.C.: To Voicer Robert Kralick: No need to remind us loyal Democrats to follow the same plan of voting early and voting often. We’ve been doing it for a number of elections. We skipped the 2016 election because we didn’t think there were that many Robert Kralicks, Nick Di Pasquales and Bob Pascarellas in the country. However, we are back on track to steal the 2024 election. Ron Turek

Conservative curmudgeons

Manhattan: So, Saturday’s Voice of the People featured typical right-wing, Trump-loving, Dem-hating ramblings of two of our most recognized bomb-throwers, Voicers Robert Kralick and Fred Schoeneborn. What, there was nothing from Voicer Bob Pascarella you could’ve included to make it a trifecta of nonsense? Just wait until Kamala Harris wipes the floor with dumbass Trump in a few days when they debate and then coasts to an election win in November. Imagine the nonsensical diarrhea flowing from their red-hat pens once that occurs. Good luck, gentlemen! Michael Udolf

Joy vs. cruelty

Utica, N.Y.: We read that a Trump-appointed federal judge from Texas has struck down President Biden’s new policy of granting citizenship to unauthorized immigrants whose spouses are already U.S. citizens. Melania, anyone? The point is that everything Republicans do seems intended to hurt people based on fear, greed and racism. Is it any wonder that the euphoria of the Democratic convention was so overwhelming? It was like the joy of the Beatles shaking us out of our national misery in 1964 over the Kennedy assassination. It’s Republican cruelty that we “won’t go back” to. Americans need to sweep Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, along with Democratic House and Senate majorities, into power this November, so decisively that there is no room for the Republicans to steal it away. Competence, humanity and joy beats cruelty every time. Jeff and Joan Ganeles

Once, always

East Meadow, L.I.: Please refer to Paul Whelan as a “formerly active Marine” — “former Marine” is a misnomer. Semper Fi. Robert Higgins

Sayonara, summer

Whitestone: I hate summer. Now that I have your attention — and I’ve been wanting to say this all summer but I lacked the courage — it is with venom that I dislike this wretched season called summer. The very word disgusts me. Why? Is it the unbearable scorching days? Is it the totally unhealthy air that we are forced to breathe? Is it the total inability to go outside of my building in search of food? No. It is my inability to breathe. Just going to my lobby to pick up my Daily News has me gasping. This is the most disgusting season of all. Am I looking forward to autumn? What do you think? I hate summer! Sarah Alboher

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