The General Election changed the face of Scottish politics – and two months on it seems the only thing that hasn’t changed is the SNP’s message. At the weekend’s SNP conference, the party reheated the same old tired script and stubbornly continued to insist the challenges Scotland faces are all someone else’s fault.

There was no hope or optimism for the future; no positive vision or plan for change – just excuses and deflection. But the truth is no-one believes that a Labour government that has been in office for 8 weeks is responsible for the problems that have been building for years.

After 17 years of SNP government, every single institution in Scotland has been left weaker. Our NHS is stuck in perpetual crisis, exam results are declining, police officer numbers have plummeted, and local services have been cut to the bone – but SNP financial mismanagement means things are about to get even worse.

For years now the SNP has buried its head in the sand while experts sounded the alarm about the state Scottish public finances. It refused to plan ahead, kicked difficult decisions into the long grass and kept making commitments it knew fine well it couldn’t keep.

Now those years of inaction are coming home to roost and communities across Scotland are set to pay the price. In this context, you would expect the SNP to use conference as a reset moment – an opportunity to recognise that they’ve not been good enough and to pledge to do better for the people of Scotland. Instead, a few fleeting moments of self-reflection were drowned out by feverish attempts to shift the blame for its own failures.

The SNP is treating Scots with utter contempt by refusing to own up to its mistakes. This is a party that has completely lost its way and a government that is out of ideas.

The SNP government’s desperate lack of vision will be exposed this week as the Scottish Parliament returns after summer recess. On Wednesday, the SNP government will publish a Programme for Government setting out its plans for the year ahead – but no-one is expecting any real answers to the challenges our country faces. If anything, it is likely to be a bonfire of existing commitments as budget cuts begin to bite.

At a time when our country is crying out for leadership, the SNP has simply run out of steam – but this is not as good as it gets. Across the UK, Labour is at work cleaning up the mess the Tories left behind.

Already Labour has taken steps to set up GB Energy here in Scotland, make work pay, and boost economic growth. This will be transformative for many Scots, but there is no escaping the need for change in Scotland too.

We need an end to 17 years of SNP misrule and a chance to undo the damage this government has done to Scotland’s finances, services and economy – and Scottish Labour is ready to do just that.

NHS waiting lists

Last week another grim record was set in Scotland as NHS waiting lists rose to an all-time high. There are now 864,366 people waiting for tests, appointments or treatment – equivalent to almost 1 in 6 Scots.

The number of people stuck on a waiting list for over a year – left to worry and deteriorate month after month – hit almost 100,000 after soaring by a staggering 28 per cent in a single year.

Of course, we don’t need statistics to tell us that our NHS is at breaking point – almost all of us know someone languishing on a waiting list. We know that getting a GP appointment can feel like a battle and a trip to A&E too often means writing off the rest of your day.

Cancer treatment targets are missed over and over again and heroic NHS staff are exhausted and demoralised from being made to pick up the pieces of SNP failure.

The NHS is our most treasured institution – but under the SNP its very future is under threat.

The Labour government will deliver a much-needed funding boost for services, but we need an end to SNP incompetence and waste to save our NHS.

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