Meghan Markle’s half-sister Samantha Markle has voiced her pessimistic view on the stability of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex’s marriage.

Speaking to former GB News anchor Dan Wootton she speculated about a solitary return for Prince Harry to the UK. She said: “I kind of think this was doomed from the beginning,” and shared that Prince Williams alleged advice to Harry echoed her sentiments: “As Prince William reportedly told Harry ‘Haste makes waste. Get to know her better, don’t jump into this.’ But hindsight is 20-20.”

Continuing her candid insights, Samantha remarked, “I think [Harry] is probably wanting to say to his brother ‘Oh my God, you were so b**** right I can’t believe this.'”

She lamented the unfolding of events as predicted, “And it unfolded the way people predicted, in the way Prince William seemingly thought it would, and that’s sad..”

Prince Harry Marries Ms. Meghan Markle - Windsor Castle
Samantha says her sister’s marriage was ‘doomed from the beginning’ (Image: (Image: Getty))

Addressing a potential return of Harry to the Royal Family, Samantha expressed skepticism concerning the warm reception he might receive: “How do you feel that love again where the trust has been so trashed? To have real love with family, friends or relationships, by God you have to have trust.”

She questioned Harry’s motives for returning, saying, “Will he be wearing a wire? The Royals are always going to have that big question mark,” reports the Express.

Speculating on the influence of Netflix over Prince Harry’s plans, Samantha hinted at possible intervention by the streaming giants and proposed that the King should seek concrete proof if claims of a contract cancellation emerged, She says that there would always be a concern if he did return to the royal fold, that he was simply trying to monetise his family connections.

Princes William and Harry
Samantha claims that William warned Harry against rushing into marriage (Image: (Image: Getty))

Samantha went on to openly criticise Prince Harry, commenting: “There was a time in an interview when he said ‘I was never happy in Great Britain anyway, I didn’t really like it there’…how do the people of Great Britain feel about that?”

Samantha continued to lash out at Harry, saying: “He sat there and let his wife mock [the late] Queen Elizabeth as she was dying, that was disgusting.”

She suggested that the Duke of Sussex is detached from reality, saying he would need “years of counselling” to remove him from the ‘fantasy world’ he had been living in.

Meghan Markle
Meghan Markle has said it’s many years since she last had any contact with Samantha (Image: (Image: Getty))

Even amid controversy, including being ousted from X [formerly Twitter], Samantha has maintained her role as a vocal detractor of Harry and Meghan. During one scandal, her lawyer stated: “Ms. Markle’s email and other accounts have been hacked on several occasions, and it is very likely that those statements were made by third parties to defame our client.”

Not shying from past confrontations, in November 2016, Samantha labelled Meghan “shallow”, adding her actions were “certainly not befitting of a Royal Family member.”

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry
Samantha believes that Harry is ‘unhappy’ in the US, and will soon return home alone (Image: (Image: Getty))

The rift within the Markle family seems insurmountable, with Samantha and Meghan sharing little affection.

Meghan, during her explosive chat with Oprah Winfrey in 2021, distanced herself from her half-sibling: “I grew up as an only child, which everyone who grew up around me knows, and I wished I had siblings. I would have loved to have had siblings.”

Detailing the extent of their estrangement, Meghan added: “The last time I saw [Samantha] must have been at least 18 or 19 years ago, and before that-10 years before that.”

A representative for Prince Harry and Meghan Markle has been approached for a comment.

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