Can the Arab League end the nightmare in Gaza?

Davidson, N.C.: How can the war that Hamas launched against Israel come to an end? Discussions have been underway in Qatar with representatives from Egypt, the U.S., Jordan and Saudi Arabia. They are trying to find an option that both Israel and Hamas would accept. Israel has been under pressure given that they have proactively destroyed almost all the cities and towns in Gaza, with some 40,000 Palestinians killed. The UN has demanded that Israel stop all military action in Gaza. President Biden has pressed Israel to wind down its attacks.

Given that Hamas is still holding hostages, its position is that all Israeli military need to withdraw from Gaza in exchange for the release of the hostages. The situation is at a standstill.

The Arab League, an organization of 22 Arab nations, has taken no action in this year-long war. Biden could have them mediate the situation by contacting Hamas and pressuring its members, political and military, to leave Gaza and enter one of their nations. These people would be free from the war and able to live in a safe region. Then, all the hostages would be free.

The remaining Palestinians who were not affiliated with Hamas would have to reconstruct their communities and pay the price for selecting and supporting Hamas for all those years. With Hamas gone from Gaza, Israel could end its military attacks. Hopefully, the war would be over. Sorrell Chesin

Indiscriminate killers

Manhattan: Forgive me, but given the IDF’s demonstrated inability or desire to note the difference between Hamas terrorists, civilian Gazans, hostages, or women or even children, I find it difficult to believe that Hamas actually killed the six hostages. I think Israeli Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu’s assassins did it, and, as usual, are blaming Hamas. Eugene Rodriguez

Right of way

West Hempstead, L.I.: After a big play by the self-defeating far left in Israel, the strikes, demonstrations and anti-government marches failed. The airport was open, schools opened, cities refused to close. Why? Because the vast majority know Hamas is to blame; Hamas took them and refuses to release them. The hostages are pawns to them. Many hostage families want no negotiations, just victory. Reservists want Defense Minister Yoav Gallant out and a true leader who wants victory in. The mother of one of the dead hostages said no strike, we are at war. Stop showing one side, stop your bias against an Israeli victory. Israelis, like the U.S. in World War II, demand unconditional surrender of the enemy. Get out of their way. Samuel J. Mark

There’s a word for that

Bronx: It’s said that the Palestinians in the West Bank live under open-ended Israeli military rule. Why isn’t it called what it is? Apartheid. W. Twirley

Delayed enforcement

Manhattan: I have been riding on a minimum of four buses daily for the past four years. In all that time, I only witnessed three searches for fares paid. Many of the passengers were well-dressed and seemed affluent in Upper East Side communities. Why wasn’t anything done before now (“A citywide sweep vs. bus freeloaders,” Aug. 30)? Was the MTA waiting for congestion funding to do anything? This has gotten out of hand because of the negligence of the MTA. As one who pays my fare, I feel like a fool when I see the others just get on the bus and smile at the bus driver before taking their seats. Marilyn Levin

Never served

Glendale: Why is it that Donald Trump knocks all opponents who served in the military, whether they weren’t in a warzone or were shot down and held prisoner? I say all these men and women are brave heroes just for joining the service, not knowing where they will be assigned. I would like to know what branch of the military Trump was in. If you want to make America great again, don’t vote for the person who knocks heroes and sends people to storm the Capitol. If this man becomes president again, it will not be “God bless America” anymore, it will be “God help America.” We don’t need a convicted felon in the White House. He should be in a jailhouse. Laurel Turnbull

Don’s desecration

Jefferson City, Tenn.: Regarding Trump and his photo-op at Arlington National Cemetery, it does not matter that some of the Gold Star families requested that he take a picture with them. They are not the only ones with loved ones buried there. It’s against the law to use the cemetery for political purposes. Trump has shown time and time again that his only use for veterans is what they can do for him. Going back to 2018, when he was in France for the 100th anniversary of the ending of WWI, from calling them “losers” and “suckers” to his comments about Sen. John McCain that he likes people “who weren’t captured” to his saying that the Presidential Medal of Freedom is a higher honor than the Medal of Honor — there’s no way this man should be let anywhere near the Oval Office again and have the title of commander in chief. Sean M. Talty

Request made

Brooklyn: To Voicer Joseph F. Catrambone: Let us not forget that President Donald Trump requested more police protection for Jan. 6 but was denied it. Wanda Lucci

Great white dope

Sparta, N.J.: May we take a moment to reflect upon 1/1,000th of what Trump has said and done. See him? Now imagine he’s Black. Let’s recall the images of Jan. 6, then visualize how you’d feel were they all Black. It would’ve been considered a justified massacre. Man’s inhumanity to man isn’t just aided and abetted by Fox News. It’s a fresh breath of air and stooped-shoulder relief for those grateful to have had an ally in the White House. Erin Durkin

Made their beds

Rockaway Point: If the Republican Party wanted the best chance to win the election, they would have nominated Nikki Haley. Instead, MAGA demanded Trump. So they fed us a story that a presidential candidate’s immoral and criminal behavior can be overlooked to allow for Trump’s many flaws. Additionally, Biden was considered too old because he spoke too slowly and hesitantly, even though he never said any offensive or unhinged comments like the ones Trump continually spews. To those of us who want our president held to a high standard of behavior, the obvious choice is Kamala Harris. Patricia J. Murphy

A bite is a crime

Deer Park, L.I.: Here we go again blaming the police. A police chief doing his job gets bitten on the arm by Councilwoman Susan “The Chomper” Zhuang, then she blames him. In the old days she would be wearing dentures. She deserves to be prosecuted by Brooklyn District Attorney Eric Gonzalez and thrown in jail. She belongs behind bars. Kevin Fedyszyn

Defensive move

Brooklyn: I believe Councilwoman Susan Zhuang is innocent of all charges against her. She acted in self-defense, and the cops attacked her first just for peacefully protesting. Who gave that NYPD chief the right to attack a councilwoman? If she wouldn’t have fought back, she may have been injured and been unable to work. I know how Zhuang feels because I was at a National Night Out Against Crime hosted in the parking lot of the 60th Precinct, where I came for the third year in a row, and all went well until a former coordinator I worked with as a poll worker at the Brooklyn Board of Elections saw me and told the cops something about me and the officers took her side without letting me explain myself. There are two sides to a coin. Victor Malyar


Whiting, N.J.: Abortion must remain legal for those people who lack self-control and are not able to intelligently make choices. Barring rape or incest, choosing to indulge in sexual behavior without availing oneself of all the pregnancy deterrents — and unwanted pregnancy does occur — signals a clear lack of ability to make intelligent choices. Responsible, intelligent, thoughtful people aren’t usually faced with unintended consequences. Judy Bevan

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