Two decades of community campaigns to protect the Vale of Leven Hospital will be celebrated in Balloch this weekend.

Hospitalwatch, which is marking its 20th anniversary, are holding an event at Lomond Parish Church on Saturday (September 7) as a thank you to locals who have formed a ring of steel around the Vale.

Thousands have taken to the streets and signed petitions to protect services in Alexandria, with the hospital’s future now looking as secure as ever.

And Jim Moohan, Hospitalwatch chair, hopes the event can celebrate a true community effort.

He told the Lennox: “We’ve called a meeting of the community to express our thanks for 20 years of their total support. They have been the cornerstone of saving the hospital over the last two decades along with the staff, who have been exceptional.

“We want to express our thanks to everyone. The fight is still there. We’ve achieved a lot. We’re now able to sit alongside and work with management on the health board, but it’s important that we remain vigilant.

“But Saturday will be about expressing our thanks to the community. Without them, be in no doubt, the hospital would’ve collapsed.

“Politicians only look after the finances, not the morals and principles of the community and the total life care.

“As a community the people in this area have stood head-and-shoulders above everyone, protecting the hospital and protecting their interests.”

The event will feature live music as well as insight and memories from two decades – including the Hands Around the Vale protests, C Diff tragedy and 24 hour vigil.

And it will be a poignant one for Jim, who has been involved since the start.

Hospitalwatch 20 years anniversary photo
The Hospitalwatch campaign group celebrate the milestone earlier this year. (Image: Lennox Herald)

He continued: “I’m really looking forward to the event.

“When I look back on the 20 years, to reach this milestone and get to this stage is tremendous.

“We’ve lost some colleagues over the years. But others have came along to support us. And this is a day for the community to celebrate all of that.

“The hospital is important to everyone in this area. And important to their children, their loved ones, relatives and friends. If we have to do anything in the future then we know they’d come to support us in the future.

“They have been the rock that we have stood on. Their support has been whole-hearted on every occasion; from Hands Around the Hospital in 2004, to Argyll Park, the second Hands Around the Hospital. The vigil where we collected signatures on a bedsheet in 2018.

“We’ll look at all the highs and lows, but most of all the achievement of this community in protecting its hospital.”

The event starts at 10.30am with all welcome. To attend email Tom on [email protected].

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