Israel’s behavior creates the critics it faces

Manhattan: Every day, there is another Voicer who supports Israel’s conduct in the war in Gaza. Usually, the support is just another warmed-over “what about” or “we were there first.” Voicer Daniel Jean Lipsman, a former communications teacher, has found a new excuse: “Joseph Goebbels’ apprentices” are feeding us propaganda, making the Jews out to be the bad guys.

Let me tell Lipsman what this easily fooled citizen has seen over 11 months. On Oct. 7, I watched in revulsion what Hamas had done. I was filled with hatred toward Hamas and a feeling for revenge. When Benjamin Netanyahu told the world that Israel would destroy Hamas, I was 100% behind them. Israel was hellbent on seeing to it that it would never again be subject to such atrocities, and most of the world was behind them. I watched with deep sorrow as Israel marched into Gaza and scores of innocent citizens became collateral damage. I watched for several months as the multitudes of Gaza were sent scurrying from one place to another as their homes were bombed and hospitals, schools, water treatment and electricity plants were destroyed, day after day. I came to the conclusion that Israel had won, destroying any possibility of Hamas invading again, and in the process, sending Gaza back to the Dark Ages.

I came to my conclusion despite the “Geobbels’ apprentices” who continue to try to fool the world with their incessant propaganda. I refer, of course, to Netanyahu and his fellow war criminals. They continue the never-ending rant that Israel is still in danger from Hamas. Really, Mr. Lipsman, you buy that bull? If Israel is afraid of a future invasion, the IDF ain’t what it’s cracked up to be, as it proved on 10/7. You’d think a communications teacher would be able to see through all that. Steven Davies

Who’s the superpower?

Highland Falls, N.Y.: Did Israel join NATO recently? Did the U.S. sign a mutual defense pact with the Jewish state? If neither, can someone please explain to me why $350 million F22 jet fighters (and their near-irreplaceable pilots) are sitting on the ground in a warzone between Israel and Iran? Some of us remember how careful Israel can be with American lives; for those who don’t, search “1967 war” and the American ship USS Liberty. So, the U.S. dangles a big, fat target, almost inviting an action that would bring us a war. People are asking these days: “Who is running this country?” From here, it looks like Netanyahu. Joe Cyr

Entrenched ideology

Atlanta: Voicer Kimball Shinkoskey is looking for dictators in the wrong place. Hamas won a parliamentary election in 2007 and proceeded to kill or drive off members of the opposition. That was the last election in Gaza. In recent history, Israelis voted four times in five years (parliamentary governments often fall short of their nominal four-year terms). The current war between Israel and Hamas began when Hamas broke a ceasefire agreement, murdering 1,200 people and taking 250 hostages. Civilian Gazans participated in the slaughter and cheered Hamas’ vow to inflict 1,000 Oct. 7s on Israel; Israelis who’d been transporting Gazans to Israel for medical care were among the dead. The Israeli government has rightly concluded that Hamas must be decisively defeated, Gaza must be demilitarized and the Palestinians must be deradicalized. Allowing Hamas to rebuild its army will result in more Israelis being killed or taken hostage. Toby F. Block


Pleasantville, N.Y.: I agree completely with Voicer Anthony Mignone’s comments on the insulting “The Argyle Sweater” comic strip published on Aug. 26. Why would newspaper editors permit such offensive content that disparages and belittles a sacred tenet of their Roman Catholic customers? Comics usually focus on humor, escapism and satire. This particular comic was demeaning, insensitive and hurtful. It should not have appeared. Thomas Casey

Coming clean?

Saratoga Springs, N.Y.: Since George Santos has admitted guilt, will he return his Olympic gold medals? Bob English

Easily resolved

Staten Island: To Voicer Lester Simon: You state, “GOP state legislatures in the South are routinely imposing voter suppression rules aimed at minorities in order to limit voting for Democrats.” Where do you get your information? You make a statement but offer no reference I can fact-check. Too many letters echo information from CNN, MSNBC and Fox News. This voting fraud problem, made up or true, could be resolved by Congress by enacting a voter ID law. Why would anyone oppose such a law? I have to show proof of who I am to buy a six-pack of beer and I’m 83. The ole rebuttal of “such a law would infringe upon peoples’ rights” just doesn’t work. It’s about time our congressional leaders get off their butts and end this. Whether you be Democrat, Republican, liberal or conservative, this law would be the end of the debate. Michael Modafferi

Goin’ down

Manalapan, N.J.: The nightmare of Donald Trump is almost over. Based on his postings and public comments, he will probably self-implode, but if not, we can all sit back and enjoy the final vote on Nov. 5. Think about Donnie’s future: Would you stay here as a two-time loser facing incarceration? Naturally, Donald will make his getaway to the Saudis or maybe even with his pal Vladimir Putin because he won’t want to stay here and spend his days in court, then jail. Poor Donnie, he still believes he won in 2020. Really sad. Gary Chasen


Yonkers: The duplicitous Democratic Party train rolls merrily along. More than a month after she and the Democratic powerbrokers performed their backstabbing and defenestration of President Biden, Kamala Harris finally does an interview, but it was her usual pretense sideshow. The purported tough, independent Harris couldn’t do it live or alone, as she needed the avowed socialist knave Gov. Tim Walz as a chaperone. Her customary logorrhea attempts to obscure the fact that not one single American voted for her in the “primary,” as she was enthroned by party elites. They continue to lie, straight-faced, to the entire country, yet these are the people who say they’re saving democracy!? James McCaffrey

Serious attire

Armonk, N.Y.: Does the “joyful” woman own a dress? Gary Miller


Bronx: I really do not understand how anyone could vote for Donald John Trump. His speeches are not only incoherent, but they are irrelevant to boot. None of his talks are about policy. He doesn’t say what he will do to solve the problems plaguing us or how he will make life better for us. However, he does talk about how good looking he is compared to his opponent and criticizes how she laughs. Actually, I think he is an old, bald, orange, fat man who looks in a warped mirror. Are we voting for a prom king or a world leader? In either case, Trump doesn’t fit the requirements. Anna Maria McCorry

On a backward track

Bronx: I plead with my Republican brothers and sisters to dump Trump. He is bad for the country. You Republicans call yourselves conservative and God-fearing? By the way, I call myself half Republican and half Democrat, if that makes sense. Yes, my fellow Republicans, God is so powerful that he created mankind and womankind to evolve into the greatest capacity they will ever witness on this planet. Trump loves to control humanity because he loves to control. He wants to keep our evolution from reaching our fullest as human beings. Trump is backward. Since Adam and Eve, humankind has used God’s gift of evolution to become what it is now, and will further evolve. Lindsay Hananan

Stated optimism

Bay Shore, L.I.: I hear that Aaron Rodgers plans on being ready for the playoffs! John T. O’Connell

Simple semantics

Brooklyn: To Voicer Wayne S. Nuhn: I don’t know what you were reading, but my letter was a response re the term and usage of the word “babies.” I’m not sure what that has to do with elections, but if Wayne is a MAGA cultist, that explains it! Talk about “uneducated”! Susan Cassano

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