Weekly horoscope comp Credit Getty / metro.co.uk
Get ready for a new week (Picture: Getty/Metro.co.uk)

Virgo season is underway and Virgo’s ruler Mercury now also moves into Virgo which means it’s a week to put cunning, well-made, robust plans and strategies at the heart of your activity.

Don’t freestyle or see what happens. Take control, take charge, and put your agenda in action.

If you get organised around your goals and take progressive steps, you can’t fail. This is a successful week if you play it strategically.

Let the tarot guide you to your key step towards success!


March 21 to April 20

aries star sign
Just be your amazing self and see what happens (Picture: Getty/Metro.co.uk)

King of Wands

Bring your whole personality and passion to your work or priority. Don’t shapeshift, suppress or downplay your personality and talents… showcase them in their full glory. Be yourself. People love your warmth and vitality, your sense of adventure, your humour, your positive energy.

Let it all flow and that will attract attention and interest, and then you can share your purpose and passion and get support, buy in and recognition. Others can help you. Draw them in.

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries


April 21 to May 21

taurus star sign
Explore the options here (Picture: Getty/Metro.co.uk)

Two of Coins

Make this a week about abundance, having lots of options, trying many different ways and means and testing the waters with new tech, ideas, strategies, processes and techniques.

The Two of Coins urges more. Don’t feel wedded to any one single way of doing something, try it all out. Say yes to new ideas. Be an experimental explorer of your realm and actively decide to do everything in a different way. Results will amaze and appeal!

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus


May 22 to June 21

Go for gold this week (Picture: Getty/Metro.co.uk)

The Emperor

: Total world domination week ahead! Gemini, you’re smarter than most, you know your own mind and goals, and you’ve got the cunning plans afoot to manifest them. Go for it and let nothing and no-one get in your path. No distractions, dilutions or detours.

The Emperor is bringing you the force of will to make things happen. This is a one-off week of power and progress so don’t waste this energy. Pursue your goals with 100% intent.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini


June 22 to July 23

cancer star sign
Rise above the pointless chatter and do what needs to be done (Picture: Getty/Metro.co.uk)

Queen of Swords

Play the long game, the smart game, the thinking game… The Queen of Swords is worldly, shrewd, smart, patient, knowing. She sizes up the situation correctly, with clear-eyed perception, she coolly and dispassionately filters the options and picks the best one for her own ends. Then she executes with clear and direct force.

This is your blueprint this week. Be level-headed, shrewd, a little ruthless even. Do what’s best for you. Think it through then act it out.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Cancer


July 24 to August 23

leo star sign
Doing nothing can still be productive (Picture: Getty/Metro.co.uk)

The High Priestess

Progress this week is achieved by lack of action, vs action (strangely). The High Priestess is a passive character, relying on her inner wisdom and intuition to guide her through, responding to life wisely and patiently, and using events and circumstances around her to make judgments and insights that will underpin the longer term game.

So, don’t act rashly or force an agenda. See what happens, take your time, process events, daydream and meditate. What you mentally dream up will be gold dust!

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Leo


August 24 to September 23

virgo star sign
Get rid of the poison (Picture: Getty/Metro.co.uk)

Three of Swords

It’s your season and Mercury is in your sign so you’re firing on all cylinders. Use this power to do something you don’t often do – surgically remove sources of pain and stress from your realm.

Gift yourself liberation from misery, strife, and unfairness. Root out the relationships, roles, and situations that bring nothing but negativity and withdraw/quit/leave/dilute them. The Three of Swords is a potent symbol of healing from pain, but that starts with removing the splinters.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo


September 24 to October 23

libra star sign
This will be worth it (Picture: Getty/Metro.co.uk)

Knight of Coins

A well made plan is worth more than anything this week so put your analytical and objective skills into play and create your winning strategy, and then get to it. The Knight of Coins shows you will need to work hard and put effort in, but that the results will match the effort and make it all worthwhile.

Don’t put this off, make excuses, or fall prey to fatigue and distraction. Set yourself a goal, work out the plan to achieve it, and put one foot in front of the other. This time next week, you’ll be sitting pretty!

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra


October 24 to November 22

scorpio star sign
Use the power of Virgo season (Picture: Getty/Metro.co.uk)

Nine of Wands

Use all of this Virgo energy to think of a solution and approach to the hardest issue or obstacle in your life and then head towards it, head on and head high.

Direct action is necessary and the dread or worry you feel about tackling this is unfounded. I promise it will all go a lot easier than you think and, soon enough, this issue could be well in your rear-view mirror for good. What a relief! Make a concerted effort to address your feared problem and you will be rewarded.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Scorpio


November 23 to December 21

sagittarius star sign
This problem needs to be shared to be halved (Picture: Getty/Metro.co.uk)

Five of Coins

Something set you back this year. Something happened which felt like a loss. Maybe you’ve been nursing this wound ever since… even secretly.

The time has come to address it and put it right. The Five of Coins asks you to talk about what happened, share the experience with trusted folk, you might hear their similar stories or get great advice, you might just feel understood and cared for. And then use that advice or renewed motivation to take action, right the wrong, replace the loss, act on the wisdom.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Sagittarius


December 22 to January 21

capricorn star sign
Eyes on the prize, Cap (Picture: Getty/Metro.co.uk)

Seven of Wands

You are embroiled in some kind of challenge, goal, rivalry or competition and you are going to win the grand prize (spoiler alert). The Seven of Wands asks you to focus wholly on this ambition this week and make a plan of attack that covers all bases, mitigates the risks or probable responses, and plays to your strengths.

Don’t let emotion overwhelm you, be rational and logical about your tactics. But do let emotion stir you when you need motivation to push on that extra mile. Go and win!

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Capricorn


January 22 to February 19

AQUARIUS star sign
Look out for signs showing you the way (Picture: Getty/Metro.co.uk)

Seven of Cups

You are being blessed this week with daydreams and visions of your future that are heaven-sent somehow, they come from unseen forces, maybe even ancestors or spirit allies, and they are showing you what it meant for you and your life.

Don’t ignore them. They may arise randomly, strangely, in symbols and fractured images, in dreams and half conscious reels. Tune in. Record them. Analyse them. Put the pieces together, join the dots, make a story. This is precious content you can use for the future.

Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aquarius


February 20 to March 20

pisces star sign
Death is the card of transformation (Picture: Getty/Metro.co.uk)


This is the week of makeovers, transformations, dramatic changes, overhauls, new looks, fresh starts, and phoenix from the ashes narratives! Rise, renew, rebirth! Death is a powerful totem of change and transformation.

What are you trying to change right now? This is the week to attempt and attack it. The forces are with you, the stars have aligned, and the Universe will bring fortune and opportunity to make this ambition a reality. Focus on your transformation with full force. Anything is possible.

Head here for everything you need to know about being a Pisces

Kerry King, the tarot queen, uses tarot and star sign wisdom to create inspiring forecasts and insights, with over 25 years fortune telling experience, and many happy clients all over the world. You can book a personal, written reading, which comes as a beautifully illustrated brochure, through Etsy or join her new Tarot Club and get weekly forecasts and more for £5 a month.

Your daily Metro.co.uk horoscope is here every morning, seven days a week (yes, including weekends!). To check your forecast, head to our dedicated horoscopes page.

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