A man who was rushed to hospital after he collapsed on the scales at his first Slimming World weigh-in has shed a whopping 14 stone.

John MacDonald, 28, decided to join the club in 2021 after doctors warned that he could “drop dead” at any moment. Medics feared the Glasgow man – who weighed 27 stone and had developed Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure – would suffer a massive heart attack.

But on his first weigh-in at the group, John became so ill that he collapsed onto a chair and threw up. He was raced to the city’s Royal Infirmary for urgent tests, which thankfully ruled out cardiac issues.

John has transformed his life after being told he wouldn't make 30
John has transformed his life after being told he wouldn’t make 30 (Image: Tony Nicoletti/Daily Record)

John told the Record: “I thought I was having a heart attack as soon as I stepped on the scales. I was in a bad way and fell unconscious on a chair. Then I started being sick.

“But when I got to hospital they checked my heart and did blood tests which were all clear.

“When I was there I was getting really anxious, so I think everything just hit me as soon as I stepped on the scales. I think looking back on it, it was a panic attack, my anxiety got the better of me.”

Determined John, who said losing the weight was his “last hope”, soon returned to the group after realising he had to address the “brutal truths” delivered by healthcare professionals.

John previously tipped the scales at 27 stone
John previously tipped the scales at 27 stone (Image: Tony Nicoletti/Daily Record)

He continued: “When I started Slimming World, I felt really nervous. I just wanted to do well and I was desperate to make sure I lost a bit of weight that first week. It was quite overwhelming, which is daft thinking back now because the group have been amazing with me.

“But I was told by a doctor years ago that I was at risk of a heart attack. My breathing hadn’t been great for a few years and it started to get to the point where I’d be out of breath just doing the dishes.

John has shed an incredible 14 stone
John has shed an incredible 14 stone (Image: Supplied)

“I went to the GP and and my blood pressure was through the roof. I was sent to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital and spent a week there getting various tests and was given water tablets and blood pressure tablets.

“The doctor there told me that I could drop dead at any minute and that I was at a serious risk of a heart attack.

“That was the turning point for me. It was the scariest week of my life, all I could think about was my family and friends, and all the things I’d miss out on. It was the wake up call I needed.”

John weighed 27 stone at his heaviest
John weighed 27 stone at his heaviest (Image: Supplied)

Former self confessed takeaway addict John would gorge on meals big enough to feed a family of four, spending £30 a night.

But since starting his weight loss journey, John has never looked back and has managed to drop to an impressive 13 stone.

He added: “This has saved my life. I was once told my a doctor that I wouldn’t see 30 because of my weight.

“It’s been such a struggle but the group have been so supportive. I have so much more energy now. It used to take me an hour to walk to the local shops it just takes me 10 minutes now.

John used to wear 6XL now he can fit into designer clothes
John used to wear 6XL now he can fit into designer clothes (Image: Tony Nicoletti/Daily Record)

“I was previously a 6XL in clothes, I could only buy them on Amazon, I could never fit any designer stuff but I can wear Hugo Boss and Armani now. Clothes actually look nice and feel nice on.

“I’d spend £100 a week on Just Eat and Uber Eats, and when I cooked for myself it would be unhealthy food.

“I’ve saved a fortune and and been able to save loads of money. I’m now dreaming of going on holiday somewhere nice and warm where I’ll be able to take my top off and lie by the pool, there’s no way I would have done that before.

“I feel completely transformed now. I’ve gone from rock bottom being told I could die to having a future. I just feel lighter and fitter and it’s made such a difference to my mental health.”

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