Appointment dates and times are now being issued to residents across Lanarkshire as the health board gears up for the start of this year’s winter vaccination programme.

The programme will offer the flu and Covid booster to those who are eligible for either, or both.

For the vast majority of the eligible population, the programme will primarily be delivered across NHS Lanarkshire’s main vaccination centres.

However, for those who may be unable to travel/have other access difficulties, this will also be supported by a range of local ‘pop up’ clinics and, our older adults, through an appointment with a local pharmacy.

The flu vaccine offers the best possible protection against flu viruses and this protection is very important if you are likely to be in contact with high-risk people or if you are more at risk of serious illness as a result of flu, e.g. older people and people with health conditions, babies and young children.

For those who are more vulnerable, the Covid booster will offer longer lasting protection against severe Covid-19 illness and help build up immunity to the virus. This will help the body fight it off more easily so any illness should be less severe.

Dr Henry Prempeh, Consultant in Public Health, said: “It is really important that anyone sent a flu appointment takes the time to attend. While at their appointment, if they are eligible, they will also be offered the Covid winter booster.

“Anyone receiving an appointment with an unsuitable date, time or venue, can reschedule online or by calling the National Vaccination Helpline 0800 030 8013. This will allow us to give your original appointment time to someone else.

“Covid-19 is still with us so it’s really important that anyone eligible gets their Covid booster. Booster doses are safe, effective, and help to top up your protection against serious illness from the virus.

“We are asking people to read their appointment letters carefully so they know exactly where their appointment is taking place.

“Anyone receiving an appointment with an unsuitable date, time or venue, can reschedule online or by calling the National Vaccination Helpline 0800 030 8013. This will allow us to give your original appointment time to someone else.”

School children are already being provided consent forms and information about this year’s flu vaccine through their school and parents are being urged to return the signed consent form to the school as soon as possible.

All primary and secondary school pupils with consent to be given the flu vaccine nasal spray will receive this at school between 16 September and the end of January 2025.

For more information visit NHS Inform at

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