More than 3000 people have signed a petition against the siting of a supermarket on Helensburgh’s waterfront.

The online petition set up by the town’s community council claims a retail development would “threaten the livelihoods of local businesses and will ruin the waterfront views we value in our community and that bring many tourists to our town”.

More than 3,200 people have now signed the petition.

It comes after Argyll and Bute Council agreed a preferred bidder to deliver the final stage of the multi-million pound waterfront development.

Forrest Development Ltd was named as the preferred bidder for the site in front of the town’s new leisure centre last month, with proposals for retail outlets including a supermarket. Questions about the plans went unanswered at a public meeting of local councillors – with the promise of written responses from authority officials instead.

Around 30 members of the public attended a meeting of the council’s Helensburgh and Lomond area committee recently, where public question time lasted nearly two hours. But they were advised at the start of the meeting that any questions relating to the waterfront would be passed to council officers for a fuller answer.

The meeting was chaired by Labour’s Councillor Fiona Howard, who said: “This committee, and the council, over the past 10 years, has invested over £20million in the waterfront, with a new car park, leisure centre and sea defences.

“This administration appreciates there remains a great deal of public interest in the final phase of the process. Things have moved on considerably following the decision by the policy and resources committee to select the preferred developer.

“All submitted points at public questions will be answered in the coming days. We will also update the frequently asked questions page on the council website, so the correct narrative is shared as widely as possible.

“I want to reiterate that our town centre is important to us all, and we want to get it right. There has been an open process with several offers from retailers, fast food giants, and hotels.

“We have assessed these bids and selected the proposal which is most advantageous.

“We are aware that views both for and against have been expressed, and in the context, it is important to note that the council’s focus is on ensuring it delivers benefits for Helensburgh.

“Community feedback has played an important part in reaching the stage we are at.

“The masterplan reduced the amenity area and the building was pulled away from the street to improve views. More detail will be shared when available.”

Councillor Howard added: “The committee acknowledges that the skatepark is linked to the waterfront. This committee confirmed in December 2023 that there will be a skatepark on the waterfront as a backstop.

“This has been confirmed with Forrest Developments, but this committee asked that two locations be explored at Kidston Park and Hermitage Park.

“Officers are looking at that and will report back at a future area committee when in a position to do so.

“The area committee welcomes questions which will be answered, and information will continue to be shared when it is available.”

Residents then sought to ask questions relating to the waterfront, but most were told that they would receive a response in the future.

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