A man has shared his four-year-long saga of revenge against his noisy neighbours, whose raucous behaviour turned his dream home into a living nightmare.

He took to Reddit to recount his ordeal, saying, “I was excited to be a new home owner. But shortly after moving in I started to become aware of my next door neighbors. They would constantly be throwing parties well into the AM hours.

“Their lawn would be covered in trash the next day and it would blow all around the neighbourhood. At first I though maybe they’re just throwing some housewarming get togethers to get settled in, so I gave them some slack and let it slide. Unfortunately this was only the beginning.”

He detailed how the relentless noise occurred three or four days a week, leading him to frequently call the police and lodge complaints with local authorities, to no avail.

The tipping point came when the neighbours held a children’s birthday party using a PA system, prompting him to question, “I don’t live out in the country, in fact, we’re in the city limits and the houses are quite close to each other. Not to mention the back yards aren’t even that big. Why on Earth would these people need a PA system of all things?

“Well the noise was absolutely unbearable and this time it was the entire street that called in noise complaints. When the cops arrived and were talking to the owners of the noise house, they straight up told the cop ‘I don’t care’.”

He continued his tale of torment, having reached his wits’ end, he warned of pursuing legal routes – a move that led to penalties for the revellers and an abrupt halt to their disruptive escapades. However, feeling the response didn’t match the upheaval they caused, he sought personal retribution.

Recounting his vengeful acts, he shared: “The guy next door is a construction worker and has a brutal weekday schedule. Weekends are his time to relax. For the past 4 years, every Saturday I’ve been mowing my lawn at 6:00 AM, starting on his side.

“Sometimes I just sit there and chill on my phone for about 10 minutes while the mower is running right outside his bedroom window. Saturday mornings are my favourite time of the week.”

His narrative struck a chord with readers, who admired his cunning reprisal and divulged similar stories of payback. A fellow resident had this to say: “That is how I trained my neighbors 2 doors up to go easy on the parties. If they had a loud party past a reasonable time. The next morning was yardwork for me. Lotsa noisy yardwork. Chainsaws and all. This year they been pretty good. My yard is looking shaggy I suppose I ought to mow it at reasonable time of course.”

Another individual chimed in with a cheeky suggestion: “Ahhh…suburban spite! I hope you are chopping wood and sanding stuff as well. Buy wood and cut it with power tools just for the noise. Then use a nail gun too. You don’t need to be building anything, just making noise.”

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