Kirkcudbright Flower Show which took place on Saturday, September 7 in the Parish Church Hall was well attended and a great success.

Mary Cruikshanks, recently appointed head of Kirkcudbright Primary School, opened the show and presented the prizes.

The show committee would like to take this opportunity to thank the judges and stewards for their time and expertise judging the many wonderful exhibits. Kirkcudbright Horticultural Society is also very grateful for the sponsorship of the event by local businesses and for the support of the Kirkcudbright Summer Festivities.

Trophy winners

Challenge Cup (most points horticulture): I Park.

Robert Millburn Cup (most points, veg): R Carson.

Silver Trophy (most points cut flowers): I Park.

Silver Tankard (best pot plant): I Park.

Dalziel Cup (most points fruit): A Carson.

British Legion Challenge Trophy (best vase chrysanthemums): I Park.

British Legion Challenge Trophy (best vase dahlias): J Murray.

Thomas Rae Memorial Trophy (best exhibit rose): M Paterson.

Penfold Trophy (best single rose bloom): M Paterson.

Floral Art Challenge Trophy (best arrangement floral art): N Smith.

Silver Trophy (most points baking): E Carr.

Silver Cup (most points jams and jellies): M Haney.

McCall Challenge Trophy (most points handicrafts): L Scott.

Duchess of Norfolk Trophy (best exhibit in class 163): I Vasey.

Irvine Challenge Trophy (most points children): F Hutchinson.

Jane King Memorial Trophy (most entries children): I Vasey.

Marion Brown Shield (most points less experienced): I Milligan.

D L P McKnight Medal (runner-up less experienced): Johnstone Nursery.

Billy McKeand Memorial Trophy (best fuchsia or begonia): A McAdam.

Kirkcudbright Horticultural Society Trophy (most points 8-18 years): I Vasey & L Mitchell.

Wallace Shield (school with the most points in children’s section): Kirkcudbright Primary.

Skol Trophy (best exhibit in class 168): A Maynor.

Gladioli Trophy: R Carson.

Garden Society Tankard (best veg exhibit): J Proudlock.

Vinnie Trophy (best exhibit potatoes): R Carson.

Stewartry Floral Art Trophy (most points floral art): N Smith.

Nellie McCallie Trophy (best vase annuals): I Park.

J D McKeand Memorial Trophy (best children’s handwriting): T Meldrum.

Society Trophy (most points pot plants): I Park.

J McCallie Trophy (best vase garden flowers): I Park.

Kirkcudbright Horticultural Society Crystal Bowl (best exhibit handicrafts): J Middlemas.

Kirkcudbright Horticultural Society Trophy (runner-up baking): I Henry.

Dahlia Silver Medal: J Murray.

Open vegetables

Potatoes (3 tubers, 4 var): 1 R Carson; 2 A Paul.

Collection veg: 1 R Carson.

Onions (quality): 1 J Proudlock; 2 R Carson; 3 I Park

Best single onion: 1 R Carson; 2 I Park; 3 J Proudlock.

Onions (heavy dressed): 1 I Park.

Onions (fresh lifted, dressed): 1 I Park; 2 A Paterson.

Onions sets: 1 & 2 R Carson; 3 J Proudlock.

Single blanched leek: 1 I Park; 2 & 3 J Murray.

Three blanched leeks: 1 J Proudlock; 2 J Murray; 3 I Park.

Cauliflower: 1 I Park.

Parsnips: 1 R Carson.

Carrots (long or intermediate): 1 & 2 R Carson.

Carrots (stump rooted): 1 & 2 R Carson; 3 J Murray.

Potatoes (round or oval): 1 & 2 R Carson.

Potatoes (kidney): 1 & 3 J Murray; 2 R Carson.

Potatoes (coloured): 1 & 2 R Carson; 3 T Thompson.

Tomatoes: 1 A Carson; 2 R Carson; 3 J Murray.

Truss tomatoes: 1 T Thompson.

Shallots, pear shaped: 1 T Thompson.

Beetroot (round): 1 & 2 I Park; 3 A Paul.

Peas: 1 A Paul; 2 A Paterson.

Broad beans: 1 I Park.

Runner beans: 1 & 3 I Park; 2 A Paul.

Turnip: 1 T Thompson.

Cabbage: 1 T Thompson.

Veg marrow (quality): 1 I Park.

Pot plants

Foliage plant, not in flower: 1 & 2 I Park; 3 N Scott.

Geranium or pelargonium in flower: 1 I Park.

Geranium or pelargonium in pot: 1 I Park.

Begonia, tuberous in flower: 1 I Park; 2 & 3 A Paterson.

Streptocarpus: 1 T Thompson.

Cactus or succulent in or out of flower: 1 & 2 I Park.

Coleus: 1 & 2 I Park.

Two pot plants (different species): 1 I Park.

Any other plant in flower: 1 N Scott; 2 T Thompson.

Cut flowers


One vase, single rose in bloom: 1 & 2 M Paterson; 3 M Hughes.

One vase rambler roses (one variety): 1 RNLI.

Best vase roses: 1 M Paterson.

Early flowering chrysanthemums

Vase, double sprays – not more than 7 stems: 1 I Park.


Two vases, cactus or semi, 3 blooms in each:1 J Murray.

One vase, miniatures cactus, 4 blooms: 1 J Dickson.

One vase, pompom, 5 blooms: 1 J Proudlock; 2 J Murray; 3 M Paterson.

Two vases, decorative, 3 blooms in each: 1 J Dickson.

One vase, decorative, small, 4 blooms: 1 & 2 J Murray.

One vase, 4 varieties: 1 & 2 J Dickson; 3 M Paterson.

One vase, miniature decorative, 4 blooms: 1 J Murray.

One vase, miniature ball, 4 blooms: 1 J Proudlock; 2 J Dickson.

Cut flowers

Herbaceous: 1 I Park; 2 T Thompson.

Phlox: 1 I Park.

Double asters: 1 A Paterson.

Antirrhinums: 1 I Park; 2 J Dickson.

Scotch marigolds: 1 M Hughes.

French marigolds: 1 & 2 J Dickson.

Statice: 1 I Park.

Rudbeckia any variety: 1 I Park.

Garden flowers at least 7 varieties: 1 I Park; 2 J Murray.


Three spikes, mixed: 1 R Carson; 2 I Park.

Three spikes, one var: 1 R Carson; 2 J Proudlock; 3 J Murray.

One vase, 2 spikes, 2 var: 1 R Carson.

One vase, 1 spike: 1 J Murray; 2 I Park; 3 R Carson.

Flowers various

Pansies on board: 1 J Dickson.

Hydrangea: 1 I Park; 2 A Paul; 3 I Mitchell.

Fuchsia blooms: 1 & 2 J Dickson.

Open fruit

Three dishes apples, 3 var: 1 & 2 A Carson.

One dish apples, dessert: 1 A Carson; 2 M Hughes.

Two dishes apples, cooking: 1 A Carson.

Two dishes apples, 1 dessert, 1 cooking: 1 & 2 A Carson; 3 J Dickson.

One dish apples, heaviest: 1 I Milligan.

One dish of plums: 1 M Hughes.

One dish any other fruit: 1 I Milligan.

Bunch of grapes: 1 M Hughes.

Classes for less experienced exhibitors


Runner beans: 1 E Carr.

Tomatoes: 1 & 2 Johnstone Nursery; 3 L Mitchell.

Leeks: 1 & 2 Johnstone Nursery.

Any other veg: 1 I Milligan; 2 Johnstone Nursery.

Pot plants

Fuchsia: 1 A McAdam.

Pot cactus or succulent: 1 & 3 N Scott; 2 L Mitchell.

Begonia: 1 A McAdam.

Cut flowers

One vase, 3 Roses HT: 1 I Mitchell.

Dahlias, 3 blooms: 1 T Young; 2 I Mitchell.

One vase herbaceous flowers, mixed: 1 G Thomson.

Dahlias, cactus or semi: I Mitchell.

Dahlias, decorative, 3 blooms: 1 & 2 A Fabian.

Dahlias, pompom, 3 blooms: 1 A Fabian.

Floral arrangements

A song title: 1 N Smith; 2 E McKeand; 3 A Paul.

Buttonhole or corsage: 1 N Smith; 2 A Paul.

Arrangement using foliage only: 1 N Smith; 2 I Vasey.

Floating arrangement: 1 N Smith; 2 J Cole; 3 E McKeand.

Arrangement in a candlestick: 1 N Smith; 2 E Campbell; 3 A Paul.

Arrangement in a shell: 1 E Campbell; 2 A Paul; 3 N Smith.

Childrens classes

An animal: 1 Isla; 2 Jamie; 3 O Kirkpatrick.

Holiday fun: 1 G Colman; 2 B Cunningham; 3 P MacKenzie.

Local landmark: 1 Lacey; 2 E Scott; 3 A Little.

Olympic or paralympic sportperson: 1 E Stitt; 2 D Turnbull; 3 M Carruthers.

Best writing in pencil, P2 & P3: 1 A Donley; 2 A Thomas; 3 S Thomson.

Best writing in pencil, P4 & P5: 1 T Meldrum; 2 Noah; 3 J Stevenson.

Best writing in pen, P6 & P7: 1 B Jennings; 2 S McMinn; 3 F Arnold-Neil.

Jam jar of garden flowers: 1 I Vasey; 2 F Hutchison; 3 L Mitchell.

Eco miniature garden: 1 & 3 F Hutchison; 2 H Hanson.

Animal made using toilet roll tubes: 1 E Stitt; 2 F Hutchison; 3 Lily Mitchell.

Edible necklace: 1 M Gourlay; 2 Lucy Mitchell; 3 Lily Mitchell.

Handmade pom pom: 1 Lucy Mitchell; 2 N McMillan; 3 Lily Mitchell.

Handmade card or drawing celebrating 200 years of the RNLI: 1 E Thompson; 2 A Thompson; 3 Lily Mitchell.

Industrial section


Celebration cake: 1 R Ross; 2 E Carr; 3 I Henry.

Meringues: 1 E Carr; 2 M Haney; 3 L McNicol.

Banana loaf: 1 E Carr; 2 S Scott; 3 S Mitchell.

Bakewell tart: 1 E Carr; 2 M Haney.

Fruit scones: 1 M Hughes; 2 Mayner; 3 S Scott.

Traybake: 1 I Henry; 2 E Carr; 3 H Gourley.

Empire biscuits: 1 E Carr; 2 S Scott; 3 M Haney.

Quiche: 1 A Mayner; 2 E Carr; 3 M Haney.

Tablet: 1 I Henry; 2 E Carr; 3 L McNicol.

Jams, jellies

Raspberry jam: 1 S Scott; 2 J Baty.

Marmalade: 1 M Haney.

Lemon curd: 1 S Scott; 2 J Baty.

Chutney: 1 M Haney; 2 J Baty; 3 E Brown.u0009

Jelly: 1 M Haney; 2 M Haney; 3 H Mitchell.

Bottle of flavoured gin: 1 J Baty; 2 E Rose.

Cold dessert: 1 & 2 H Mitchell; 3 M Haney.

Tablet: 1 J Baty; 2 H Mitchell; 3 M Haney.

Handicraft section

Knitted baby garment: 1 A Knapton; 2 A Paul; 3 L Scott.

Patchwork item: 1 A Maynor; 2 & 3 L Langton.

Counted thread picture: 1 & 2 L Scott; 3 H Gourlay.

Recycled item: 1 I Mitchell; 2 L Langton; 3 M Hainey.

Crochet article: 1 A Maynor; 2 L Scott; 3 S Murphy.

Knitted toy: 1 J Middlemass; 2 A Knapton; 3 L Scott.

Item made of sea glass: 1 & 2 I Mitchell; 3 R Ross.

Handmade card: 1 & 2 L Scott; 3 M Hainey.

Item made of wood: 1 & 2 N Scott.


Summer picture: 1 L Wylie; 2 S Mitchell.

Snapshot of the Kookaburras in Kirkcudbright: 1 Lily Mitchell.

Ages 8-18 years

Traybakes: 1 I Vasey; 2 Lucy Mitchell.

Scones: 1 E Stitt; 2 I Vasey; 3 Lucy Mitchell.

Cupcakes: 1 I Vasey; 2 E Stitt; 3 Lucy Mitchell.

Article made out of recycled materials: 1 E Thompson; 2 A Thompson; 3 Lucy Mitchell.

Handmade card celebrating 200 years of the RNLI: 1 R Thompson; 2 Lucy Mitchell; 3 Lucy Mitchell.

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