Scots scientists have found a new vaccine for the elderly could prevent thousands of deaths.

New research done by a team led by Professor Roy Soiza, Consultant Geriatrician and Honorary Chair at Aberdeen University reviewed the evidence on the safety and effectiveness of vaccines against Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) in older and frailer individuals.

They found the vaccines to be 86 percent effective in preventing RSV-related lower respiratory tract infections in the first year after vaccination.

The scientists say if the uptake of the vaccine reaches 70 percent there is evidence to suggest that up to 2,800 deaths could be prevented in the UK every year.

Additionally, around 36,000 GP consultations, 4,600 hospitalisations and 1,000 ICU admissions could be avoided.

However, they warn of a culture of “vaccine fatigue” as well as “vaccine hesitancy” which could impact on the numbers of older people accepting the vaccine.

The review paper comes in response to the UK launch of a new vaccination programme against RSV for 75- to 79-year-olds.

The illness is known to cause serious lung infections in very young infants but there is growing evidence that RSV can also cause serious chest infections in the elderly population – contributing to an estimated 8000 deaths and 175,000 GP interventions every year.

Professor Roy Soiza, who led the research, explained: “The NHS is badly stretched, so efforts to reduce the healthcare burden from avoidable communicable diseases such as RSV infection are highly desirable.

“Although some sections of social media are often dominated by anti-vaccine messages, it is important that reliable public health messages cut through the noise.

“Our review found that the vaccines are safe and effective and we are calling on healthcare professionals and carers to encourage those invited to receive the vaccine to take up the opportunity.

“There is evidence of effectiveness in preventing RSV-related lower respiratory tract infections of around 86% in the first year after vaccination.

“Trials have been conducted in people aged over 60 years of age, including those with underlying medical conditions, but the number of volunteers aged 80 or over was too small to be certain of the extent of benefit.

“Nevertheless, we saw in the Covid pandemic that the effectiveness of vaccines in trials of younger and healthier people was replicated in those who were much frailer and older.”

Dr Sam Ghebrehewet, Head of Immunisation and Vaccination at Public Health Scotland, said: “The recent launch of Scotland’s new RSV vaccination programme marks another significant step forward to protect the health of the population. “In recent years, we’ve seen an increase in those aged 75 years and over being hospitalised for RSV.

“That’s why we’re asking all those who are eligible for the RSV vaccine to take up the offer to protect themselves against the more serious complications of an RSV infection.”

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