Efforts to show solidarity with people in Gaza have been branded “gesture politics” as a Renfrewshire councillor backs calls to remove the Palestinian flag from public buildings.

The flag has been flying from Renfrewshire House, Renfrew Town Hall and Houston Square in Johnstone for three months as part of efforts by local people to show their support for innocent people affected by the war in Gaza.

It was first erected in July after elected representatives at a full meeting of Renfrewshire Council agreed to fly the flag, alternating between it and the Ukrainian flag every two weeks.

But Conservative councillor John Gray has urged the local authority to “urgently reconsider” its position, pointing to a recently-launched petition which claims the flag is causing “discomfort amongst our diverse community”.

Councillor Gray says that he has been “inundated” with concerns from his constituents about the flag-flying and that they should not be ignored.

The representative for Renfrew North and Braehead said: “While this move by Renfrewshire Council was well-intentioned, it has sent out the wrong message.

“Like everyone else, I have been appalled by the scenes of innocent civilians being caught up in the conflict and I cannot imagine what they are going through.

“However, at a local level, I believe people have made their feelings known on these flags being flown at public buildings in Renfrewshire. Over 2,000 people have signed a petition in a matter of weeks asking for their removal.”

He added: “People living and working in Renfrewshire want this SNP-led council to be focused on their real priorities like fixing our roads, restoring standards in our schools and keeping day-to-day services open.

“Instead, they have preferred to engage in gesture politics.”

The protest, launched by Marc-André Schmitz, calls on the local authority to “show tact, understanding and sensitivity towards the diverse perspectives within our community”.

As previously reported by the Paisley Daily Express, Mr Schmitz said the flag “could be perceived as offensive and divisive by certain groups within the community”.

Lodged on Change.org, it is not known if Marc-André Schmitz is from Renfrewshire or how many of the people who signed the petition live in the local authority area.

Councillor Andy Doig, who seconded the motion to fly the flag put forward by fellow independent Eddie Devine in May, said: “It is a gesture because that is all we can do to show solidarity with the women and children in Palestine who are suffering.

“It’s really important also to say that this is a sentiment shared by Israeli trade unionists and many people in Israel who feel the current policy of the Israeli government is wrong, counterproductive and will only lead, if anything, to more violence.”

He added: “There is a lot of misconceptions about the Palestinian flag. It does not represent Hamas.

“In fact, the Palestinian flag flies outside the United Nations. If it is good enough for the UN it is good enough to fly outside Renfrewshire House.”

A spokesperson for Renfrewshire Council said the decision to fly the flag had been made by councillors, adding: “Any petitions received by the council are referred to the petitions board.”

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