Earlier this year, during the Euro’s finals thousands of Scottish football fans left our shores and went to Germany. The football may have not gone the way we wanted it to go but the Scottish fans became the darlings of the tournament.

Germany is well known for its beer and much of that product was sampled within controlled and safe environments. I believe that this is a perfect example of how football fans now enjoy the game.

It’s time that our football clubs and football authorities look at creating a plan for the reintroduction of alcohol at games in Scotland.

Personally on a cold November Saturday I will stick with my Bovril during the game but there would be nothing wrong with having safe controlled zones within the ground. I am not talking about the sale of alcohol for the sake of it.

It is more finding a way to make it part of the match day experience. Many clubs have family entertainment before the game. Encouraging people to arrive early and enjoy the whole experience.

This is a bit like the NFL Tailgate idea where families and friends meet up hours before the game as part of the spectacle of the sport. Our weather may make this challenging but why not look at other ways to experience this.

On the whole football fans love to meet up and discuss the beautiful game. Currently they go to local bars and then there is the massive last minute rush to get to the ground. This puts a strain on clubs as they desperately try to accommodate that last minute rush.

There is also the extra income that this proposal will bring to our football clubs. Clubs will then be able to reinvest this income in their teams but also in the many community based projects they are involved in.

Football clubs are the centre of many of our communities and work with local partners to address the many challenges Scotland faces.

My ask of football is to come up with a safe and secure plan that can accommodate alcohol at football. Then football fans can enjoy their chosen entertainment just like when they go to the cinema, the theatre, a concert and rugby.

Football fans and our national game have moved on so let’s find a way to make this safe and secure.

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