A vile Cumbernauld man was caught by paedophile hunters after sending sexually explicit photos and messages to a decoy posing as a 13-year-old girl.

Graham Metcalf, 40, is now behind bars and has been placed on the sex offenders’ register.

Metcalf, of Torbrex Road, appeared at Airdrie Sheriff Court and admitted sending the disgusting material on April 23 last year.

He also admitted failing to attend court for the case earlier this year.

Vigilantes confronted him at his then home in Hazel Road, Cumbernauld, on May 7 last year.

An allegation that Metcalf frightened the three individuals by claiming to be a member of the IRA and threatening to get a gun was dropped.

The court heard that a member of Forbidden Scotland, a group that aims to protect children from online sexual predators, had set up a fake Facebook profile in the name of a young girl.

Metcalf made contact with ‘her’ and, despite the ‘girl’ telling him she was only 13, he spoke in sexually explicit terms before sending ‘her’ pictures of himself and several indecent photos.

Annette Ward, prosecuting, said: “The accused also provided information about where he lived and his employment.

“Members of the group searched online and found his address. Three members then attended at his home.

“Metcalf answered the door and the group members identified him from images he had sent to the decoy.

“He admitted what he had done and the police were called.”

Ms Ward said Metcalf was given bail after an initial court appearance in May last year but failed to attend for trial in April this year.

He also didn’t turn up for hearings in May and July. He was arrested and has been held in prison since August 14.

Sheriff Joseph Hughes called for a criminal justice social work report and electronic tagging and risk assessments.

The sheriff also put him on the sex offenders’ register.

Sentence was deferred until October 25 and Metcalf was again remanded in custody.

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