Princeton AutumnFest sees great participation despite area outage
Princeton AutumnFest sees great participation despite area outage

PRINCETON, W. Va. -The inclement weather and following power outage affected the weekend plans of many in the Two Virginias. However, with power still available on Mercer Street, Princeton’s AutumnFest was able to have its 2024 return.

While some vendors had to drop out because of the storm, the President and CEO of the Chamber of Commerce of the Two Virginias, Jeff Disibbio, says they still had around 85 vendors in total participate this year. He also says more food vendors participated this year than they’ve had in around 18 years.

He says, with other events in the area canceled and people ready to get out of their houses, they expect thousands to stop by, bringing business, not only to the vendors set up here, but also to the brick and mortar establishments.

“It’s incredible. The businesses love it; we’re bringing ten thousand people to their front doorstep, so… you bring ten thousand people to the doorstep of a local business, they’re going to be happy regardless, so it’s opportunities they wouldn’t have had before. The foot traffic is starting to come back to Princeton and Southern West Virginia, and they’re really seeing an increase tenfold today,” says Disibbio.

In addition to the things to buy and eat, there was also pumpkin bowling, kids crafts, a car show, and more, thanks to the events sponsors.

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