A win for Rangers but Philippe Clement still finds himself in the Hotline firing line.

The Belgian spent some of Sunday afternoon blasting the kick-off time and the decision to award Hibs a penalty at Ibrox. That they missed and it didn’t cost the hosts didn’t dissuade Clement from providing a media room re-enactment after full-time and it seems even his own fans are growing weary of the complaints when there’s enough to worry the boss about his own side’s displays, let alone the officials or the blazers.

Eddie easson, Ballingry, said: “What was on offer at Ibrox was total dross. Clement is starting to even bore Rangers fans with his comments buck passing statements. It’s everybody’s fault bar his. Rangers are a team that are devoid of tactics, lack no balls. God help them when Celtic come calling in January.”

Jim McClean, Isle of Bute, emailed: “Another Monday morning with complaints from Mr Clement, he likes the sound of his own voice too much, same as Mr Beale. Can he not just accept decisions without shouting his mouth off? And that was them winning as well, what would it be like if they lost? God forbid. Shut up and give us a rest Philippe.”

Bill Lockerbie, Northampton, added: “I’m loving big PC and his post-match optimistic rants which make me fall about with laughter, but his latest one liner following their narrow escape on Sunday, is my favourite so far: ‘The story we’re making better and better.’ It’s certainly the most accurate for all of a Celtic persuasion.”

Stephen Mulhern, Dumbarton, continued the theme: “There are similarities with the Rangers performance when towards the end of Michael Beale’s reign at ibrox when he said we got away with one there but instead of Clement saying something similar he highlighted the rightly awarded penalty as being a wrong decision. The nobody likes us we don’t care attitude is the only remit he has and saying the opposition where better than us today is not in his vocabulary.”

Neil Renton, Leith, took a break from discussing rivals Hearts to demand Gers hand back two of their points in the name of sporting integrity. He said: “If Rangers knew anything about sporting integrity they’d offer to give back the three points for their win against Hibs and settle for a draw.

“Mykola Kukharevych‘s penalty might have been poor but there were Rangers players in the box while keeper Jack Butland was so far off his line he was practically on the centre spot. If that had been at the other end of the park the ref would have demanded it to be retaken. It’s as simple as that.”

Mykola Kukharevych has his penalty saved by Jack Butland (Image: SNS Group)

However, Mark Ranstead, Shettleston, reckons Clement is right to call out what is, in his mind, a conspiracy against the Light Blues. He emailed: “I believe the referee made two major errors at ibrox yesterday. As big Phil has said, he’s calling them out, it’s a conspiracy against Rangers.

“Red card Hibs kills the game and then the penalty decision is scandalous, Scales last week was way more a penalty. Justice served by Butland.”

From domestic complaints to the continent and Celtic are gearing up to take on Borussia Dortmund on Tuesday night. Rangers of course went there and won on their way to Seville, but have been told that comparisons to this week’s clash are laughable.

Gordon Ashley, Ayr, was adamant: “Rangers fans are dreaming that their game in dortmund was on a par with ours, they played a Borussia team in an inferior tournament and in front of a handful of supporters during a Covid lockout. Star man Erling Haaland was also missing, where as we will play the Champions League finalists at a packed stadium in the big one, there is no comparison.

However, Jimmy Murray, Edinburgh, has told Brendan Rodgers and his players to stop talking about Dortmund. He said: “Why don’t Celtic fans and manager just stop talking about Dortmund and concentrate on getting a result?

“I remember the so called legend, Lennon, telling us his team going for 10 in a row were on a par with the Lisbon Lions. Enough said there. Just try and not embarrass the club and just put on a good professional show.”

But we’ll end on a positive note. John Davidson, Kirkintilloch, displayed an all to rare moment of solidirty seldom seen on the Hotline battleground: “All the best to our Scottish clubs participating in Champions, Europa, and Conference Leagues this week, and a boost for our coefficient.”

Deep down, we are all John…

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