Exercising post-pregnancy might be the furthest thing from your mind as you adjust to life with a newborn and catch up on much-needed rest.

However, when you feel ready to re-enter the world of fitness, one woman’s inspiring post-baby transformation could provide the motivation you need to regain your pre-baby self.

In response to a comment that read “Girl, you look great! You should post some home workout videos cos I know us WFH girlies certainly need it”, @yamimufdi replied: “Say less! Here’s one of my favourite short and effective at home workouts! You’ll do each exercise for 40secs on and then rest for 20secs. Repeat the whole thing 3-4x”.

The video showcased her incredible transformation, attributing her newfound strength and postpartum recovery to this particular workout routine.

Flaunting her toned physique, which many might assume was achieved through gym workouts, she demonstrated a simple home workout suitable for most fitness enthusiasts – and best of all, it can be done in the comfort of your own home.

She then detailed the exercises performed in the video, writing: “1. Squat to bicep, curl to press. 2. Reverse lunge with lateral raise. 3. Bridge chest press into tricep extension.”

For those unsure about how to perform these exercises based on the description alone, she provided clear demonstrations on screen to make it easier to follow along.

In the comment section, users were full of praise, with remarks like “very encouraging” to witness her transformation. Other supportive comments included: “You’re glowing”, “Way to go mama”, “Wow nice work”, “You look amazing”, and celebratory cheers of “You did that, woot woot!”

One user praised her routine: “Love the simplicity and effectiveness! Can’t wait to try this out at home. More workout ideas like this would be awesome!”

Others echoed their appreciation for her authenticity, writing: “Finally someone who shows the mom pooch before and the progress of after!!! Thank you”.

The NHS advocates for new mums with a “straightforward birth” to begin gentle exercise whenever they feel ready, suggesting walks, light stretching, and abdominal workouts. However, they advise holding off on higher-impact activities such as aerobics or running for six weeks.

Fancy giving this workout a go? Let us know in the comments.

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