CHEYENNE, Wyo. (KGWN) – A high school quarterback from Wyoming is proving the position is about more than just physical ability. Born with one hand, the teenager recently threw his first varsity touchdown.

Justin Castaneda, a 15-year-old high school quarterback, took his first varsity snap as a sophomore Sept. 20. Three plays later, he threw his first varsity touchdown. He was born with amniotic band syndrome affecting his left hand, but that hasn’t stopped him from excelling at football.

“Just the concept of how much he loves playing football and how much he loves contributing to a team, I love that dedication and that level of interest that he has,” said Justin’s mom, Katherine Castaneda.

Justin’s passion has led him to not just his accomplishments on game day but his spot as the No. 2 quarterback at Central High School. He’s showing that no matter the physical obstacle, you can do whatever you feel you’re called to do.

“It just made me realize I have to work harder than other people, and I have to perform better than other people to get this position. That’s helped a lot,” Justin said.

Though the teen had to learn how to play the most important position on the offense differently than anyone else, a lifelong love for football has been a strong foundation.

“Just watching a kid with so much passion to get better at his craft, no matter what their ability or disability is, is always a great thing for a coach. Justin exudes all of that. He loves the game of football, and he works at it. That makes it easy for a coach,” said Central High’s head football coach, Mike Apodaca.

Justin is more than just a player: he’s a beacon of light and inspiration to those around him.

“He affects people by who he is. That demeanor of ‘I don’t have to change because of this. It’s just who I am.’ To me, that’s the thing that’s the most phenomenal,” Apodaca said.

As just a sophomore, Justin has plenty of time left to show that the most important characteristic of a quarterback is their heart.

“I always work hard in this sport, whether it’s in the weight room, even in the classroom. I’m just making sure I’m always working hard and smiling while I’m doing it,” he said.

For any kids like him thinking about playing sports, Justin has this message:

“They just got to be confident and don’t listen to other people saying that they can’t do it. If they think they can and have the confidence and work ethic, then they can do it,” he said.

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