Rats and mice are critters highly sensitive to odours due to their comparatively weak eyesight; this heightened sense of smell is crucial for their survival.

To keep these unwanted visitors at bay, individuals should utilise potent scents to “overpower” the olfactory capabilities of these pests. The pest control gurus at Eliminated LTD have revealed a number of aromas that rats and mice detest to guarantee they “stay away”.

Lavender is particularly loathed by mice and rats. Introducing a lavender-scented spray or better still, cultivating a lavender plant can serve as a natural deterrent in your abode. For those preferring a DIY approach, mix between a quarter and a half-cup of the blossoms with one-quarter cup of water in a spray bottle as a homemade rodent repellent, reports the Express.

Ensure the solution is shaken thoroughly before each application. Spray it liberally over areas of concern until they’re damp but not soaked. For ongoing efficacy in warding off rodents, refresh this concoction on a monthly basis.

Citrus oil also sits on the list of smells that rats and mice cannot tolerate; they contain limonenea component prevalent in citrus fruits like lemons, oranges, and grapefruits.

Contemporary boho house decor. Wicker basket filled with lavender bandle on table. Cozy interior in ethnic eco style.
Lavender will make them run for the hills (Image: (Image: Getty))

Limonene is a common ingredient in various household cleaners including soaps, detergents, and disinfectantsresponsible for the fresh, clean scent emanating from these products during home cleaning routines.

Using citrus oils such as lemon and orange is touted as “very effective at keeping rats and mice away” from specific areas or items.

Citrus oils are potent and should be used with caution; it’s advisable to dilute them with water before applying to any areas or objects that require treatment.

Bottle with essential oils, dropper with oil. Fresh oranges.
Citrus is great but should be used with caution (Image: (Image: Getty))

Peppermint oil is hailed as “effective” in deterring rats and mice, who are repelled by the scent of menthol. Mice perceive the aroma of this essential oil as a signal of danger and fear, prompting them to “avoid areas” where it’s detected or to “stay away from it” as much as they can.

This essential oil is a popular choice for crafting homemade mouse repellents due to its strong odour, which is sufficient to keep mice at bay. To use, simply apply a few drops on cotton balls and position them in spots where mice are known to lurk.

Chilli powder serves as another excellent ingredient for creating DIY rat deterrents because it’s “inexpensive and easy to obtain at most grocery stores”.

For application, mix roughly two tablespoons of chilli powder per litre of water, then transfer the solution into a spray bottle or hand sanitiser container.

Experts have clarified: “This is an effective home remedy for getting rid of mice because it smells terrible to them and they won’t stay around long enough for their sense of smell to become accustomed to it.”

To deploy, just scatter some chilli powder in suspected mouse hotspots, like behind cupboards or beneath furniture.

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