The SNP has claimed a cut to the Winter Fuel Payment (WFP) will end up costing NHS Scotland £85 million over the next five years.

The Nationalists have said the Labour government has “dealt a blow to our NHS” as well as having “served up a harsh winter for 880,000 Scottish pensioners”.

Analysis from campaign group End Fuel Poverty Coalition suggested making the benefit means-tested will cost the UK NHS £169m a year.

This is due to treating pensioners who are living in cold and damp conditions. It adds up to £845m over the parliament.

According to UK Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) figures, Scotland has nine per cent of WFP claimants across the UK.

The SNP has said that this means the cut will cost Scotland’s health service £17m a year and £85m over the parliament.

SNP health spokesperson Seamus Logan said: “When Labour took an axe to the Winter Fuel Payment, they served up a harsh winter for 880,000 Scottish pensioners, but now we know they’ve dealt a blow to our NHS too with new figures showing it could cost our NHS in Scotland up to £85m.

“It’s shameful that Scottish Labour MPs shafted their constituents by voting for these cuts at Westminster – Scottish winters are infamously harsh, yet they chose to rubber-stamp Keir Starmer’s cuts and force hard-pressed pensioners to choose between heating and eating.

“Politics is about priorities and rather than lining their own pockets with more than £800,000 of freebies and donations, the Labour government should be protecting our NHS and our pensioners this winter – not only is this a savage blow to older people, it makes no economic sense either.

“This £85m hit to our NHS is on top of Westminster’s 9% cut to our health service already, but it shouldn’t be our NHS and our pensioners that feel the impact of Labour’s skewed priorities – that’s why the SNP will put Scotland’s interests first at ever turn and oppose Labour’s cuts to the heating allowances of nearly 900,000 Scottish pensioners.”

Labour Chancellor Rachel Reeves caused anger in July when she announced plans to take up to £300 from ten million pensioners across the UK by means-testing the Winter Fuel Payment.

Her proposals, designed to save £1.5bn, have been criticised as older people on modest incomes will lose out at a time of rising energy costs.

Around 900,000 older Scots will miss out due to the WFP becoming means-tested. Most of those who are still eligible for the payment receive Pension Credit.

The SNP Government said the move caused a funding cut of up to £160m for Scotland.

It comes as energy bills increased by 10 per cent earlier this week when the price cap went up. This means that people using an average amount of gas and electricity will pay £1,717 a year adding £149 onto the average household bill.

Adam Stachura, policy director at Age Scotland, said: “There is no doubt that many of the 890,000 pensioners in Scotland who have had their Winter Fuel Payment taken away from them are going to suffer in the coming months.

“As the weather gets colder pensioners who are already struggling financially are likely to try to save money by turning down or switching off the heating. This can be disastrous for older people. We know that living in a cold, damp home carries significant health risks, including respiratory illness, heart disease and circulatory problems.

“Another concern is that those who are most financially squeezed by the loss of the Winter Fuel Payment along with a 10% increase in energy prices, choose to eat fewer hot meals, which is also damaging to their health and wellbeing.

“There are around 270,000 pensioners in Scotland living in fuel poverty, who will no longer receive the Winter Fuel Payment. We really don’t want to see any older person putting their own health at risk in a desperate bid to avoid falling into unmanageable debt.”

A UK Government spokesperson said: “The Winter Fuel Payment is devolved and the Scottish Government has decided to means test it for pensioners in Scotland.

“We are committed to supporting pensioners – with millions set to see their state pension rise by up to £1,700 this parliament through our commitment to the triple lock.

“Over a million pensioners will still receive the Winter Fuel Payment, and our drive to boost Pension Credit take up has already seen a 152% increase in claims. Many others will also benefit from the £150 Warm Home Discount to help with energy bills over winter.”

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