Frustrated traders have told how feral thieves are wreaking havoc on their Edinburgh businesses.

The quiet area Marchmont has become a target for gangs who smashed up a coffee shop in Argyll Place.

The gang broke-in to Detour Espresso lobbing a brick at the window, leaving a trail of destruction. They raided the family premises for cash, but only made off with a bank business card which they used to buy burgers at McDonald’s.

Owner Matt Rees, 55, who was working alongside his daughter Lillie on Friday, revealed he discovered the break-in had taken place after he woke up to bank notifications on his phone, Edinburgh Live reports.

“I woke up on Sunday morning to an alert on my phone saying someone had tried to use the business card to buy burgers in McDonald’s on Princess Street,” Matt said. “This must have been at around 4.30am.

“I figured out we must have left the bank care in the café and a break-in had taken place. When we arrived we found the front window had been smashed in with a rock.

“We do not take cash so there is never any money in here but you could see they had searched behind the till. Surprisingly the poetry books were still on the shelf but the card was gone.

“Police came on Sunday morning and it seems like they know who the culprits are.”

The broken window had to be repaired
The broken window had to be repaired (Image: Supplied)

Back in July, a group believed to be the same youths were scared off by a neighbour who spotted the group acting suspiciously.

Matt added the youths appear to be more brazen in their actions with other businesses now being targeted while they are still open.

“It happened in July at around 8pm in broad daylight but a pair of teens were disturbed in the act,” Matt continued. “We know other businesses have been targeted while they are open and the problem seems to have become worse in the past few months.

“We have been here for six and a half years and never had any problems until recently. When they broke in on Sunday the most frustrating thing is the damage they have caused.

“We could not open the shop so lost half a day trading on one of our busiest days of the week. The damage to the window has also been costly as there is no point dealing with insurance as by the time you have paid the excess and premiums, it is not worth it.

“So the damage and the loss of trade is a lot of money. It is clear these kids are not criminal masterminds and are quite thick.

“But they are as bold as brass. I struggle to see what can be done outside of putting in CCTV to try to deter them.”

Detour has beefed up their security since the incident. Police Scotland has been approached for comment.

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