Danielle Singh filed complaints against three Jarrell council members claiming sexual harassment and discrimination months before the termination.

JARRELL, Texas — The city of Jarrell voted to terminate its city manager during a special meeting on Oct. 8 months after claims of sexual harassment and discrimination in the workplace.

It came down to a 3-2 vote.

Danielle Singh’s attorney, Tanner Scheef, said the move was done in retaliation as Singh had filed complaints against three council members. Those council members – Adam Marsh, Daniel Islas, and Jeff Seidel – who voted in favor of Singh’s firing are the ones named in the complaint, according to Scheef.

Singh stepped into the role in June 2023. According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) complaint filed in May, since Singh started she had faced a series of inappropriate comments and incidents that created a hostile work environment.

“[Singh’s] dealt with an environment where she and others were facing sexual harassment, unwanted touching, even comments that simply because she was a woman with children, that she couldn’t do her job,” said Scheef.

Scheef said the law firm plans to amend the complaint to include Singh’s termination. Scheef noted that Jarrell City Council violated both state and federal employment law.

Singh had been on administrative leave since mid-September but was in the middle of negotiating with the city’s attorneys on accommodations since she was uncomfortable coming back to work.

“I think coming forward with claims is always going to put a target on your back, and she knew that and it made the target worse,” said Scheef. “She’s faced increased harassment. She’s faced threats of termination.”

Jarrell Council Member Daniel Islas – who is named in the complaint – spoke to KVUE Thursday and said Singh’s firing wasn’t personal.

“It wasn’t something we created. We’re going 100% based off the attorneys’ advice,” said Islas. “There’s been no slander. It’s just we’re just trying to move through a difficult situation for the best interest of the city.”

Islas was captured during one of the council’s meetings stating that Singh was not his first choice because she had a family. This was also stated in the complaint. Islas acknowledged the video but said he didn’t do anything wrong.

“There were many times where I was siding with her – where … I told her take solace in your family,” said Islas. “I am not against Danielle. I think she did a great job running the city for us – technically dealing with other council members – I think that’s where the disconnection was and why we’re here.”

In an email, Adam Marsh told KVUE it was Singh’s “refusal to show up” to work that led to her termination, and that it was “not a rogue decision by 3 Council members.” Marsh also said the decision was made through the advice of the city’s attorneys.

KVUE reached out to Jarrell’s mayor and other council members but did not get a response at the time of publication. Islas, however, did note that when Singh took on the role, she was already stepping into an already hostile environment and warned her about it.

“It’s been something we’ve been trying to repair from the beginning. And Danielle was, I suppose, the solution, but unfortunately, it didn’t work that way,” said Islas.

Jarrell City Council voted to hire Thomas Hertel as the interim city manager, who is on the ballot as a candidate for mayor. Seidel and Islas are also running.

Scheef said they are still exploring all legal options.

“[Singh] still is proud of herself for being able to come forward and stand up for all the women who are going through the same thing, who felt like they didn’t have the same voice as her.”

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