As the temperatures are getting milder, Brits are noticing an increase in the number of spiders and daddy-long legs invading their homes. For many, spider season is a time of dread.

Arachnophobes should be on high alert as we’re currently in the midst of spider mating season, which typically runs from early September through to November. During this period, male spiders are more active as they search for females.

Searches for ‘how to get rid of daddy long legs’ have surged by 121 percent in the past month alone, with 115,000 searches for ‘daddy long legs’. Wayfair UK has offered some advice on how to minimise the presence of these creatures in your home and garden this autumn.

They’ve shared five tips to help keep daddy long legs at bay.

Pay attention to corners

Keeping your home clean during ‘daddy long legs season’ can help reduce the chances of these long-legged visitors making an unexpected appearance.

Regular dusting, cleaning, and vacuuming will allow you to keep tabs on their favourite hiding spots. Focus on areas like behind furniture and in room corners, as these are popular hangouts for daddy long legs, reports the Express.

Daddy Long Legs Spider
Daddy long legs can be a pain to get rid of (Image: (Image: Getty))

Close all windows and doors

One of the simplest ways to deter daddy long legs is by making it harder for them to enter your home. As temperatures drop, they’re attracted to warm, bright spaces, making our homes an ideal refuge for them.

To reduce the likelihood of unwelcome guests such as daddy long legs, consider limiting their access points. Keeping windows and doors shut, particularly during the evening hours, not only keeps your house warm but also prevents these critters from creeping in.

Dim your lights

Minimising indoor lighting can help too; daddy long legs are attracted to light, which is why they’re often found inside our homes.

To deter these insects, using softer lighting, like smaller lamps over harsh overhead lights, or keeping curtains and blinds drawn could keep them at a distance.

Low Angle View Of Spider Against Clear Sky
Essential oils are a great way to deter spiders (Image: (Image: Getty))

Make a natural repellent

A “brilliant” way to repel pests like daddy long legs naturally is with essential oils due to their intense, natural aromas – peppermint, lavender and tea tree oils being notably effective options for affordable repellents.

For DIY enthusiasts, an easy-to-make natural spray involves mixing 10-20 drops of any of these oils into a water-filled spray bottle. Spritz this mixture around the home, ensuring to target doorways, windows, shadowy nooks and areas where daddy long legs have been seen previously – it’s a simple, economical approach.

Clear up outside

Moreover, clearing up your garden might save your lawn from pest-related damage. Homeowners can find peppermint oil for £2.97 on Amazon or for £4.99 at Superdrug, with each application costing as little as 29p when considering the long-lasting nature of the oil.

Throughout the summer and autumn, daddy long legs can lay up to 300 eggs in your garden, favouring damp grass and soil. Their larvae, known as leatherjackets, can take up to a year to hatch and may cause damage to lawns.

By maintaining and caring for your garden regularly during these seasons, you can create less inviting conditions for them and keep your lawn looking its best.

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