Your job could be wreaking havoc on your eyesight, experts warn, as they share the perfect setup to dodge the harmful side effects of screen time – which are thankfully avoidable. There are strategies you can use to mitigate the harsh impact of screens, and support your vision, even when you’re glued to your computer for eight hours a day.

Optometrist Neil Lard shared that one of the main reasons screens can be so detrimental to your vision is because they reduce how often you blink. Blinking is crucial for eye health and the expert cautioned about the consequences of a reduced blink rate, stating: “This can cause the tear film that keeps our eyes moist to evaporate more quickly, leaving your eyes dry and uncomfortable and more vulnerable to infections or damage.”

This effect is exacerbated by blue light, which can even interfere with our sleep quality, as well as “computer vision syndrome”. He elaborated: “This occurs because our eyes have to constantly adjust to the flickering, glare, and brightness of computer screens, which are often not optimised for long-term viewing. Over time, this strain can lead to symptoms such as headaches, blurry vision, dry eyes, and even neck or shoulder pain due to poor posture.”

Furniture specialists at Pure Optical have teamed up with the optometrist from Pure Optical to reveal the perfect setup for maintaining good eye health, including a 6-step guide that doesn’t break the bank on specialist gear or safety equipment. They’ve highlighted the importance of posture when engrossed in work, with Slouch’s Chief Innovation Officer Matt Ousby, who said: “This can have a huge impact on how much we are squinting. Try to adjust your office chair to a height that is comfortable and focus on ensuring your back and neck are supported.”

He also advised against inching too close to computer screens, which can harm your eyes, suggesting an arm’s length as the optimal distance. Additionally, Matt suggested tilting your screen by 10-20 degrees to minimize glare and aid focus, but cautioned: “This only really works if you are the recommended distance away from your screen, so try to follow those steps first.”

If you’re spending your workdays in front of a computer, experts have dished out some handy advice for protecting your posture and eyesight. Positioning your main screen directly in front of you can prevent neck strain from turning or twisting too much. For those juggling multiple screens, it’s suggested to angle secondary monitors inward for better alignment.

Once your screens are aligned, focus on tweaking the height of your seat or desk to make sure your eyes level up with the screen. Matt advised: “This should make it easier for you to focus on your screen without squinting and hunching over.” In another crucial tip for digital workers, optometrist Neil highlighted the significant benefits of blue light glasses. They’re believed to lessen the common side effects of gazing at screens — think headaches, eye strain, and sleep disturbances.

Neil elaborated: “By reducing exposure to this blue light, users often find a reduction in symptoms like headaches, eye strain, as well as less trouble sleeping.” Neil strongly suggests that folks who experience blurred vision, regular headaches, persistent dry eyes, focusing difficulties or frequent squinting should book an eye test.

Moreover, he say if you’re clocking in six to eight hours daily peering at screens, it’s wise to get an annual check-up with an optometrist to keep an eagle eye on your vision health and any worrying signs.

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