Every November moustachioed men raised awareness of men’s health but experts say they must remember their own wellbeing.

Movember is an annual campaign focused on issues including mental health and suicide prevention.

Around one in four adults experience at least one “diagnosable mental health condition” and across the UK 1.8 million people are on waiting lists for mental health services.

Fatih Mustafa Çelebi, Co-founder and CEO of mental health website Meditopia, told men: “Remember, Movember isn’t just about awareness, it’s about creating an environment where men feel safe to express their feelings and ask for support when they need it most.”

He said living a healthy lifestyle, staying socially connected, and planning things to look forward to are key ways men can improve their mental health this Movember.

The mental health guru has provided five ways men can benefit their mental health.

• Add a 30-minute walk to your day.

The connection between physical and mental health is undeniable with regular exercise proven to reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression and also helps to improve sleep quality, which in turn improves emotional regulation and cognitive function.

• Maintain social connections

Social isolation is one of the leading causes of depression and anxiety, according to the Mental Health Foundation.

Staying connected with friends and family, volunteering, or joining social groups can have profound effects on mental health, as social connections provide a sense of purpose and help release feel-good chemicals like dopamine.

Simple steps like scheduling 15-30 minutes to check in with loved ones or respond to messages can help you maintain relationships without feeling overwhelmed.

• Take time for yourself

It’s easy to forget to slow down and take time for yourself, especially when life gets busy, however, engaging in hobbies and activities that make you happy is crucial for maintaining a positive outlook.

If you’re struggling to find time, try dedicating 15-30 minutes of your day, perhaps during a lunch break or before bed, to engaging in a hobby you love.

• Plan activities to look forward to

Having something to look forward to, big or small, can boost your mood and give you a sense of excitement and hope. Whether it’s a holiday, a meal at your favourite restaurant, or even a simple walk to your favourite coffee shop, gives your mind something positive to focus on.

• Start a journal

Men often face pressure to hide their emotions but recognising and understanding them is crucial for mental wellbeing.

Writing a journal is a powerful tool for organising your thoughts and gaining clarity. Spending some time each day writing down what you’re feeling and what triggered those emotions can help you spot patterns and gain better control over your reactions.

Çelebi said: “Society often promotes the idea that men should keep their emotions bottled up, and this has made it harder for many to feel comfortable seeking help and support when they need it.

“Movember is the perfect time to challenge this outdated narrative.

“One of the most powerful ways to break this stigma is by simply having open conversations.

“Men should feel empowered to talk about their feelings without fear of judgement. When men lead by example and openly express their emotions, it sends a message that vulnerability is not a weakness, but a strength.

“It’s also important to regularly check in on the men in your life. Sometimes, a simple text asking how your friend is doing can open the door to a conversation that can make a difference.”

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