The cleaning gurus at consumer site Which? have issued a warning about vacuuming certain household messes, cautioning that they could damage your machine and even exacerbate the mess.
The team at Which? recently shared some advice with their followers, advising against vacuuming six specific objects, items and stains, as it could “destroy your vacuum cleaner”.
In a recent Instagram video, the experts from Which? urged home cleaners to steer clear of vacuuming materials like sawdust, glass, and liquids. They explained that ash, sawdust and grit should be avoided due to their small particles which can clog up vacuum filters, reports the Express.
While it may be more laborious, sweeping these materials away is the best course of action. To prevent inhaling these particles, Which? suggests dampening the area before sweeping.
Vacuuming certain substances could actually worsen the mess, they warned. They added: “The weight of your vacuum cleaner could push mud and soil deep into your carpet pile, causing it to stain. Gently sweep it up with a dustpan and brush instead.”
Vacuuming glass or sharp objects should also be avoided as these can become lodged in the vacuum, its hose and motor. “It could tear the bag if your cleaner has one,” they cautioned. “Instead, you need a brush, lots of patience, and some damp kitchen towel, to pick up those tiny remnants.”
When dealing with wet substances, such as food and liquids, it’s best to put the vacuum away. A post shared by Which? (@whichuk) highlighted the dangers of vacuuming wet substances, explaining that moisture can clog the vacuum’s tube and filters, creating a breeding ground for mould.
Which? advised: “Plus liquids and electricity aren’t a good mix. A cloth, mop or kitchen towel are best here.”
The consumer advice group also warned against vacuuming small items like pins and paper clips as they can get lodged in the brush head or even crack the internal tubes of the cleaner. It’s recommended to pick these up by hand instead.
As for sticky substances, Which? cautioned: “Sticky stuff can clog your filter, jam your motor, and even make your vacuum unsafe to use. Instead, use a damp, soapy cloth. Distilled white wine vinegar can also be especially helpful against glue.”