Pluto moves into Aquarius (the first time since 1798) and Sagittarius season starts! Both are eye-opening and future-facing, progressive transits which make us think about our big rocks and major ambitions.
Pluto will be in Aquarius for the next 20 years. A lot can be achieved in that timespan if you set to it with consistency and determination.
What would you love to have achieved in this timespan? What motivates and excites you the most?
It can start here and now, it can happen, it can guide you through this crazy life.
Let the tarot make a suggestion!
March 21 to April 20

Knight of Cups
Your Pluto in Aquarius 20-year goal is shown by the Knight of Cups, which suggests, really truly at heart, you want to enjoy your life, have experiences, travel, socialise, make great friends, see places, make memories, and have a whole lot of fun.
And why not? We only get one life and enjoying it is just about the best use of this magical, one-time gift, right? Right. Just get busy living, Aries, and have fun.
Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aries
April 21 to May 21

The Lovers
Your Pluto in Aquarius 20-year goal is shown by The Lovers, which suggests, really truly at heart, you want to experience real love, true love, everlasting love, fairytale love. You are ruled by Venus and your closest relationship is the rock you build your realm upon.
Believe in this wish for yourself. If it’s not happening with your current love, then maybe they’re not ‘your person’? Your life partner will be the biggest choice you make. It dictates the mood, content, aspirations, and trajectory of your destiny. Gift yourself a winner!
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Taurus
May 22 to June 21

Knight of Coins
: Your Pluto in Aquarius 20-year goal is shown by the Knight of Coins, which suggests, really truly at heart, you want to build a fulfilling, rewarding, and highly paid career.
Geminis’ love of money is a little-known fact about this sign. Not money for its own sake, but money as the key to many, many doors. And Gemini loves opening doors! And seeing as we all spend so much time at work, it makes sense to make it fun and fulfilling, right? Gemini knows this intrinsically.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Gemini
June 22 to July 23

Nine of Cups
Your Pluto in Aquarius 20-year goal is shown by the Nine of Cups, which suggests, really truly at heart, you want to tick every box of the every dream you have, especially the ones relating to love and relationships.
You want to attack life on multiple fronts and achieve everything you set out for. And you can, Cancer. The Nine of Cups is a wish-come-true pass and shows that these coming decades will be the best era for you yet, a time to build, a time to shine, a time to rise up!
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Cancer
July 24 to August 23

Four of Cups
Your Pluto in Aquarius 20-year goal is shown by the Four of Cups, which suggests, really truly at heart, you want to feel excited and have adventures, whatever shape or form they come in.
You don’t much like making too rigid plans because you love to be spontaneous, off the cuff, in the moment, and responding to the hot new thing vs steadily walking a pre-determined route. That’s okay. Set your mind on excitement and where your attention goes, your energy flows. Live life large and more large bangs will keep coming your way and rocking your world – in the right way!
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Leo
August 24 to September 23

Five of Swords
Your Pluto in Aquarius 20 year goal is shown by the Five of Swords, which suggests, really truly at heart, you want to live in peace, contentedly, feeling satisfied with your lot, and in good harmony with the important people in your realm. And, really, aren’t they the ingredients for a happy life?
There’s no one single magic bullet that would make everything perfect. There’s no one area you’d put above another. It all needs to flow and work together. Harmony is key.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Virgo
September 24 to October 23

Nine of Wands
Your Pluto in Aquarius 20-year goal is shown by the Nine of Wands, which suggests, really truly at heart, you just want to start looking forward to (vs dreading and worrying about) the future. And this Nine of Wands is permission to do that!
Everything is going to be okay. Everything is going to be alright, Libra, so stop fretting and being led by your worst fears into each new day. Be led by your best hopes. The higher you aim, the more you do, the better outcomes you’ll achieve. Have faith.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Libra
October 24 to November 22

Ace of Cups
Your Pluto in Aquarius 20-year goal is shown by the Ace of Cups, which suggests, really truly at heart, you want family, pets, new love, new friends, new ‘births’ in your life which add loved ones (furry or human or even creative) to your realm.
It’s about growth, nesting, building, and legacy. It’s about creation, in truth. And you know you need to feel loved so you need to build that loving circle around you, it all boils down to the bonds you treasure and nurture in the end. And that’s going to be your focus.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Scorpio
November 23 to December 21

The Moon
Your Pluto in Aquarius 20-year goal is shown by The Moon, which paints your upcoming life story as one of mystery and discovery. This card is all about secrets and illusion so the Universe doesn’t want you to know too much or look too far.
You are the zodiac’s free spirit and most adventurous sign, so perhaps you need to remain open minded, spontaneous, and nimble-footed. Live in the moment. Question each opening deeply but move intuitively and swiftly. One step will lead to another, you will move with the unseen forces in any given moment.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Sagittarius
December 22 to January 21

The Sun
Your Pluto in Aquarius 20-year goal is shown by The Sun which is the tarot’s most positive card predicting love, joy, happiness, travel, success, prosperity, and a glittering future. Fame and fortune, Cap.
The next couple of decades can be the inspiring dream you aspire to! So aim high and make yourself the grandest of grand plans. The world is your stage, this is the
finale and the ultimate show you’ve been preparing for. You can achieve
whatever you wish.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Capricorn
January 22 to February 19

Ace of Coins
Your Pluto in Aquarius 20-year goal is shown by the Ace of Coins, which suggests, from this very week, you are turning the page in several life areas to write a new story. Health, wealth, work and home are all set to renew, reinvent, refresh, and improve.
The notion of using a 20-year timespan to make a plan inspires you to think bigger and bolder than ever, and to focus on your fundamentals and core life needs more than usual. You want to place down firm and solid foundations. And you will. Starting now.
Head here for everything you need to know about being an Aquarius
February 20 to March 20

Three of Wands
Your Pluto in Aquarius 20-year goal is shown by the Three of Wands. Good fortune will emerge to help you make the absolute most of your talents and strengths and it’s likely this pertains to projects, roles, or ambitions you’ve already made a start on.
Whatever you’re planting now has the potential to grow if you stay alert to new openings and opportunities emerging in the moment, be fast to respond, and proactively preempt the trends and demands. Be one step ahead and you will be first to the post on multiple fronts, creating advantage and success.
Head here for everything you need to know about being a Pisces
Kerry King, the tarot queen, uses tarot and star sign wisdom to create inspiring forecasts and insights, with nearly 30 years of fortune telling experience and many happy clients all over the world. Join her tarot club on Patreon for exclusive forecasts, predictions, lessons, readings and 1-1 access.
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