Many people have dreamed of owning their own private island in Scotland, away from the hustle and bustle of modern life. However, have you ever considered what you’d actually… do there?
That’s a question that has sparked an extremely lively debate on TikTok, after property expert Mike Frisby shared a video of Eilean Loch Oscair, a small island off the coast of the larger island of Lismore.
In the video, which has gone majorly viral since it was first shared in mid-November, Mike explains that Eilean Loch Oscair is currently for sale, with an asking price of £125,000.
Going into more detail, he says: “There are no houses or anything on it, it is literally just the island,” before posing the intriguing question: “So, what are you going to use it for?”
Some of Mike’s suggestions were to pitch a tent, do some fishing, check out the local wildlife or do some conservation work.
The video has racked up 1.5 million views so far, and almost 1500 people have piled into the comment section to discuss what they’d do with this ten acre stretch of land in the Firth of Lorne.
One particularly creative idea was to make it bigger until it eventually joins up to the mainland: “Slowly add earth and make it bigger each day until it joins Scotland then claim Scotland as always yours and swear down you’re not lying.” Sounds like quite a lot of work.
Another person suggested: “Buy it, declare as an independent state and stop paying taxes. Build your own economy and live with less money problems.” We’re not sure that’s legal, but OK.
Someone else joked: “I’ll buy it and host the (real life) Hunger Games.”
A fourth person said they’d turn it into a crazy golf course, which Mike agreed with, replying: “That would be a good one.”

Others focused more on the relatively low price of Eilean Loch Oscair, with one commenter writing: “An entire island cheaper than most houses in London is crazy.”
The actual property listing has some more factual – and arguably more useful – suggestions about what can be done with the island. Basically; farm it.
Eilean Loch Oscair is a registered croft. “As a croft the island has the ability to support not only livestock, but also produce food. Services and provisions (can be) brought from either Lismore or the mainland,” the advert explains.
Crofting is a unique, traditional farming system in Scotland that involves taking on smallholdings (crofts) in the Highlands and Islands.
However, the ancient way of life faces becoming extinct as thousands of acres of land are sold for housing or tourism, so it’s important to try and preserve remaining crofts like Eilean Loch Oscair.
There’s a chance that planning permission for a permanent structure on the island might be allowed, but it would have to follow strict rules and be “in-keeping with the landscape character of the area.”
You can also camp on the island, meaning you could theoretically turn it into your own private, secluded campsite, only accessible by boat or helicopter, with stunning views towards Ben Nevis, Mull and the Morvern peninsula. Might not be much fun in winter though!
You can check out the full property listing here.
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