A mum who has been a wheelchair user her entire life has revealed that her disability doesn’t prevent her from enjoying sex.
Alex Dacy, 29, suffers from Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA) Type 2, a rare genetic disorder that leads to progressive muscle wasting and severe mobility problems.
Despite this, she regularly posts on social media under the handle @wheelchair_rapunzel and has even joined OnlyFans to demonstrate her commitment to body positivity. Alex explained that SMA affects the “muscles that control everything”, including neck movements and swallowing.
“The number of times I almost choked to death is terrifying. I got so thin at one point that I nearly needed a feeding tube,” she confessed. However, over time, Alex discovered ways to manage her condition and began taking Spinraza – a new medication that slows the disease’s progression.

After graduating with a degree in Rehabilitation Services from Southern Illinois University Carbondale and moving to Chicago, she was keen to kickstart her career – but found that “getting hired was a different story”. She shared: “After several interviews and getting turned down, I was so discouraged and just wanted to give up. That’s when I turned to Instagram and TikTok. I wanted to have an outlet, to feel included in society and to contribute despite no one hiring me.”
Her social media presence surged, and with it, she became more deliberate about the messages she was sending. “Now, I focus on disabled body positivity and acceptance. Growing up, I never knew I was allowed to celebrate my body because disabled bodies were never represented in a celebratory way in the media,” she explained.
Alex went on to say: “To the contrary, the media conveyed that disabled people only exist to inspire people and that our bodies are defective and not worthy of sexual pleasure. Let me make one thing abundantly clear: disabled people can have sex. We can also feel sexy. We have booties, too, and why should we be ashamed to show them off?”
She confidently stated that she’s not “afraid” to post images showing her “booty in a thong” or her “cleavage in a silky cami” as she proudly showcases her “disabled body, one sexy photo at a time”.

As Alex keeps inviting followers into her life online, she remains dedicated to paving the way for a more “inclusive” world. “I hope my story encourages others to embrace themselves and take up space. Disabled people have been hidden for too long, and it’s time for us to be seen and celebrated,” she said.
In addition to her influencer role, Alex is a loving mother to her daughter Ari and runs an online store offering products that promote awareness of disabled bodies. She confessed: “I could never have imagined that my fragile, disabled body could endure a pregnancy and come out on the other side, and yet it did. Throughout my pregnancy, I dealt with criticism and ableist remarks about whether someone with my disability could care for a child. People would say things like, ‘Terminate the pregnancy’ or ask, ‘How are you going to take care of a baby’?”
Despite facing such adversity, she “gave birth to a healthy baby girl” and is raising her child as a single parent after parting ways with the father. Alex tackles the challenges of motherhood with formidable courage and determination, mirroring her approach to life.