A leading homelessness charity building a village in Rutherglen that is due to open next year has launched its annual Christmas campaign.
Social Bite’s Festival of Kindness campaign takes in five major UK cities, four of them in Scotland, including Glasgow.
The initiative aims to raise over 300,000 gifts, essential items and Christmas meals for people and families who are most in need over the festive season, and with more people across the country living in increased poverty during a national housing emergency, the campaign is needed more than ever.
For the fourth year, Social Bite Trees of Kindness are situated in London, Aberdeen, Dundee, and Edinburgh as well as in Vinicombe Street, off Byres Road in Glasgow, as drop-off points for gifts and donations.
In addition to the drop-off points, people from all areas across the UK can donate online, something the charity is encouraging this year to help increase the number of people it can spread festive cheer to amidst the national housing crisis and rising poverty.

A wish list of gifts has been developed with people the charity supports. The list consists of things they not only want at this time of year but need, including toys and games for children in temporary accommodation, warm clothes, toiletries, SIM cards and earphones, boots and trainers.
Money donated at the trees and online also goes towards a Christmas meal with all the trimmings over the festive period.
Over four years, kind-hearted residents in the four cities in Scotland and beyond have helped the charity provide over a million gifts, essential items, and hot meals for children and adults who might otherwise go without over the winter period.
Shockingly, the UK has the highest rate of homelessness in the developed world – and this campaign aims to help to bring joy to the thousands of households who find themselves in a position of homelessness this festive season. Throughout the country 371,609 households have been assessed as homeless or threatened with losing their home, an increase on last year.

Social Bite launched a homeless village providing temporary supported accommodation in Edinburgh back in 2018, and in September this year South Lanarkshire Council granted permission for a similar venture to be built on the site of a former saw mill in Rutherglen
The joint venture between the local authority’s Housing Services department and the charity Social Bite will see 16 prefabricated pods and a community hub erected in the town’s Harriet Street.

Founder of Social Bite, Josh Littlejohn MBE, said: “Unfortunately, homelessness and food poverty are at an all-time high, and this year a record number of people will be waking up on Christmas Day with nothing. This means no toys to open, no Christmas meal to look forward to, and no safe place to stay warm.
“This is why we’re asking for more people than ever to get behind us and give what they can, at one of the Trees of Kindness or online.
“We’re so grateful to everyone across the UK who rallies behind us every year to provide essentials and moments of joy to the people we support. Once again, we’re asking you all to show that goodwill, and encourage your friends, families and workmates to do the same.”
For a full list of essential items needed, and to make a donation online, visit: social-bite.co.uk/festival-of-kindness
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