BRIDGEPORT, W.Va (WDTV) – Over a century ago, Marion Spurlock came into the world.
The now 102-year-old was born in Reading, Ohio, on November 28th, 1922, to a glassmaker and homemaker. Marion was one of six children, and 10 months after she was born, the family moved to Clarksburg, West Virginia.
Although babies don’t have much say on where they’ll live, Marion says she wouldn’t have wanted to be in any other state than West Virginia.
“It’s the most special place in the world for me,” said Marion.
From 10 months old up to now, Marion has been a resident of North Central West Virginia. She was a bank teller after graduating from Victory High School, and when she met her husband, the family would go on to own Star Furniture.
On Monday, her family and friends joined her in celebration at the Bridgeport Health Care Center for live music and cake. While Marion was comforted by her children, niece, and grandchildren, Bridgeport Mayor Andy Lang read a proclamation in her honor.
When asked about her secret to 102 years of life, Marion credited a beauty lotion.
“Well, it comes in a little white jar,” said Marion with a chuckle.
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