WASHINGTON, D.C. – Distance learning at Southwest Virginia Community College (SVCC) in Tazewell County will get a huge financial boost to enhance the program.
Rep. Morgan Griffith, R-Ninth District, said a grant of almost $1 million has been awarded to the college through USDA (U.S. Department of Agriculture) Rural Development.
The funding will support the deployment of audio and visual equipment and equip sites throughout Tazewell, Buchanan and Russell counties.
Griffith said one of the challenges for rural communities is a lack of access to distance learning and broadband.
This grant will help equip instructors at SVCC with audio and visual equipment so they can administer courses related to substance abuse, mental health and workforce development.
Funding through USDA is part of the Distance Learning and Telemedicine Grants Program, which directs money to eligible applicants to help them overcome the impacts of remoteness and low population density.
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