A woman was left in shock after discovering her husband wasn’t the man she believed him to be, just hours after their wedding. The couple had jetted off on their honeymoon when her new husband’s bank card stopped working.

She decided to call the bank to sort out the issue, but was unprepared for the reason behind the card’s decline. Sharing her story on Reddit, a bank employee recalled: “So, years ago I was a CSR grunt for a major American bank. I got a call from a very agitated woman. ‘My husband and I are on our honeymoon, and our card isn’t working? What is wrong with you people?’

“Well, as much as I’d love to help this friendly lass, her name wasn’t on the account, only his was. So she gets him on the phone, he verifies his information, and then tells me to speak to his wife. Oh, buddy. You so wish you didn’t do that. I can already see that the issue is the account is showing a zero balance, so I know this is gonna go sideways.”

As the bank worker tried to explain there was no money in the account, the woman refused to believe it, insisting there was £4,900 last time she checked. Meanwhile, her new husband began shouting in the background about how much his “bank sucks” and how they create problems out of nowhere.

The bank employee recounted: “And then I see it. ‘Well, ma’am, it looks like there’s a lien on the account from the state of Texas for unpaid child support.’ ‘Unpaid child support? ‘ Now the dude in the background starts yelling louder. ‘I never told them they could do that! ‘ And she yells right back at him, and I will never forget it: ‘You have kids? ‘ Click.”

Social media users were stunned by the story, with one commenting: “That marriage is clearly off to a great start! ” Another advised the woman to ditch her new husband post-honeymoon and seek an annulment.

Meanwhile, another shared their own memory of a similar incident: “What’s worse, I once had a hard working young lady call in. I’ll never forget this she had about 10k in her account and called in the card wasn’t working. So I look at the account and see a levy came in for 43,000 for back child support for the joint account holder.

“She had just added the boyfriend, none of the money was his and he never told her about his troubles. That was an expensive lesson for her to learn. Surprisingly she took it well enough it was only as she hung up that I heard her start crying. That must have been 5-6 years ago and its stuck with me.”

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