Kirkcudbright and Gatehouse Probus Club held their annual ladies’ luncheon at the Selkirk Arms on the second Monday in December.
The club also took the opportunity to invite guests from similar organisations to recognise, and to build on the friendly relations that exist.
The excellent three course meal, unsurprisingly, had a Christmas flavour and was thoroughly appreciated.
Apart from the welcome turnout of members’ ladies, the other honoured guests were the president of Kirkcudbright Rotary Club John Locke, accompanied by Jan Locke. Newton Stewart Probus Club was represented by chairman Bob Simpson and Geraldine Simpson.

Outgoing chairman, Malcolm Oldfield, welcomed the full house and introduced the guests.
After the luncheon, Malcolm presented small tokens of appreciation to the staff at the Selkirk Arms.
Their efficient and unfussy service has added to members enjoyment of their luncheons over the past year. In addition, each of the ladies received a single rose as a small memento and mark of respect.
David Preston provided a slightly tongue in cheek Toast to the Ladies and Louise Finch delighted with a spirited Reply.
The club would like to take this opportunity to wish all folk in our region a prosperous and happy Christmas and New Year as our thoughts turn to families and friends and to those slightly less fortunate than ourselves.