Regular ITV guest Dr Amir Khan has revealed an easy technique that could help not only to lower blood pressure but also to boost the immune system and maintain better mental health. The full-time GP made an appearance on Lorraine last week, speaking with host Christine Lampard.
During his segment, he discussed the “real science” behind maintaining a positive outlook, emphasising that “it’s not about being overly positive, or this toxic positivity, but more of an appropriate positivity”. He explained, “It’s hard to be positive if you’re not used to it, if you’re used to negative thoughts in your head – and lots of us are.”
Offering a starting point for those looking to adopt a more positive mindset, Dr Amir suggested: “Rather than going straight from negative to positive, go neutral. Rather than saying ‘oh I’m terrible at that’ … go ‘it’s okay to feel like that, I’m better at other things and I’ll do better next time’.”
He also told Christine and viewers at home about a John Hopkins University study which looked into individuals with a family history of heart disease, discovering “those who had a positive outlook on life were up to a third less likely to have a heart attack” compared to their more pessimistic counterparts.
Furthermore, Dr Amir pointed out a straightforward habit that everyone can adopt for substantial health benefits. Citing a study from Kansas University, he noted that individuals who smiled frequently “were better off in terms of their immune health, their mental health, and had lower blood pressure and heart rate as well.”