Using your mobile phone at the Christmas dinner table could expose your family to a host of illnesses, from common colds and pneumonia to E. coli and even sepsis. As the festive season approaches, one doctor is advising people to take extra precautions at family dinners by keeping their phones away from the table and anything edible.
Dr Gareth Nye, a professor at the University of Cheshire, warned Compare and Recycle that bringing bacteria-laden items to the table could pose a much greater risk than people realise. The microbiologist cautioned: “Our hands touch around 150 different items every day, more if you are a commuter, for example.
“Each one of these surfaces has the potential to lead to contamination with more dangerous bacteria. Once on our hands, the next place our hands normally touch is a phone screen, and bacteria transfers from any object we touch to the phone. This is particularly true when we consider phone usage in the toilet as they are notoriously full of bacteria that can harm you.”

He highlighted that the amount and types of bacteria on your phone, and the associated risk it has to your family this holiday season, can largely depend on your job. Healthcare workers might find a wider range of microorganisms on their devices than other people.
Phones harbour bacteria that could be anything but a festive treat, causing symptoms like diarrhoea and stomach upsets. The health expert cautioned: “In people with compromised immune systems, it can cause very nasty infections like sepsis or pneumonia.”
To keep your seasonal celebrations free from unwanted germs, it could be sensible to keep your phone away from the party scene, while Compare and Recycle offered a few tips on keeping gadgets germ-free. First things first, unplug and remove the case from your device, then take a lint-free cloth to dust it off.

Next, use a wooden toothpick to delicately clear out the ports, before sanitising with a 70% isopropyl alcohol wipe, or a cloth dabbled in hot, sudsy water for a thorough exterior clean. Remember to treat your phone cases to a good soak in soapy water too, letting them air dry. And if your case is made of leather or PU leather, it’s best to opt for a specialised cleaner to do the job.