Despite the poor weather, delegates from 22 institutes were welcomed to the Dumfriesshire Federation Meeting by Federation President, Mima Telfer where she outlined plans for the next two meetings.

The speaker for the afternoon of the March Federation meeting is Andrea Thomson from DG Life magazine.

Members are reminded to send items made at classes this year at institute, group, federation or National Summer School for display. The competitions at the May meeting are not onerous to allow members to work on entries to the Federation Show. The Betty Burns Sugar Sifter Institute competition is for two custard cream biscuits. The Centenary Trophy individual competition is for a photograph depicting Spring.

Norma Rae then read an update on the Federation Show. The plans are moving forward and there is space for more craft sales tables. Following national guidelines, the education category will be absorbed into handcrafts which will allow a greater range of entries in the team test and handcrafts community work.

The Race Night on February 28 is planned to be lots of fun for members and friends as well as raising funds. Contact Jane Hogg if you want to buy a “horse”. Details sent to institutes.

There have been several successful social events. The national Ruralympics was attended by teams from Applegarth & Sibbaldbie and Canonbie who both did well. There was a successful Hints and Tips for Showing afternoon and the updated information will be on the website soon. The autumn federation walk was enjoyed by all who attended. There were 16 teams at the annual federation quiz when Ewes retained the trophy. The country dancing for fun tutored by national president, Mary Burney was a happy afternoon for all the ladies.

There are more opportunities for get-togethers in the future including sporting events. The Ruralympics on February 18 at Locharbriggs Community Centre and members and friends are encouraged to attend the Race Night at the Crichton Golf Club on February 28.

Federation treasurer, Liz Walters explained the annual accounts and gave a financial update.

Marjorie Pringle reported for handcrafts that four tutors for the Evelyn Baxter classes on macrame are receiving training, they will travel around Scotland passing on their skills.

The homeskills report from Helen Braid comprised a big thanks to all ladies who baked for and helped at many events. She said that willing hands make light work.

Group reports

Cairn Valley: Kirkmahoe SWI held a centenary meal at The Woodlands Hotel where a stunning collage made by all members was displayed. Dunscore SWI have had an open evening.

Eskdale: The dates are to be confirmed for a cookery class and social afternoon. Each of the institutes plans a Christmas meal. The monthly walks continue and are open to all SWI members.

Lower Annandale: The handcrafts class on Powertex by Northstone Art was very enjoyable and everyone completed an item to take home. The Jenkins Cup Trophy Day was very successful with over 280 entries. Thanks to Mima Telfer for presenting trophies and to all who helped.

Mid Annandale: The schedule for the show in 2026 continues to be discussed and entries for the Federation Show is progressing. The Federation Spring Walk will be held at Eskrigg Nature Reserve on May 31. Royal Four Towns SWI held a lovely centenary celebration and the centenary dinner for Applegarth & Sibbaldbie SWI is coming up.

Lower Nithsdale: The papercraft class with Lesley Malcolmson and friends was fun and successful. Glencaple SWI held a 95th anniversary celebration and Mouswald SWI have set up 100 challenges in advance of their centenary.

Mid Nithsdale: The weather was perfect for the Autumn Walk in Thornhill. The glass painting class was a fun afternoon, and everyone went home with an item. Carronbridge SWI have had a centenary celebration. The group entry to the Federation Show is being discussed.

Sports reports

Carpet bowling: The pairs competition was won by Durisdeer SWI with Wamphray A second. The triples competition will be held in Wamphray Hall on March 8.

Curling: Spectators are welcome at the Ice Bowl on January 13 at 2pm.

Short mat bowling: This is organised as a fun day and all members are encouraged to participate on February 8 at Locharbriggs Community Centre.

Golf: The competition will be held at Powfoot Golf Club at the end of May.

There followed a presentation of the trophy for best syllabus to Ann Strahle representing Georgetown SWI by Mima Telfer. Kirkmahoe SWI came second, Thanks were expressed to Susie Finlayson, Roxburgh Federation for judging them.

A request will be sent to institutes for knitted or crocheted poppies to go on a display at St John’s Church, Dumfries for the 80th Anniversary of World War 2 in 2025.

The meeting concluded with a comprehensive president’s report from Mima. It started with remembering the sudden sad loss of secretary Elaine McGuffie a year ago and thanks to Val Hillen for stepping in to take the reins. It included reference to a wide-ranging variety of events from sports to dressmaking classes and many social events. National trophies were won by the Dumfriesshire teams at outdoor green bowling and Variations on a Theme. The non-competitive events like federation walks and the line dancing afternoon are equally important. It is super that May McCormick was recognised as one of the runners up in the National Outstanding Member of the Year competition. The development of the proposed Visitor Learning Centre in conjunction with the Crichton Trust is a hopeful prospect. Lou Vaughan was thanked for taking over as secretary and all ladies who help in any way were thanked.

The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks by Norma Rae to Mima for running an efficient meeting and to all others who helped.

The next meeting is on Saturday, March 1.

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