DUBLIN, Va. (WDBJ) – There is an ongoing opioid crisis affecting communities across the country. In the Commonwealth, the Virginia Department of Health predicts a total of 1,552 opioid-related deaths this year— down about 30% from 2021.

New River Community College is stepping up its response to overdoses by introducing a ONEbox to campus.

“You can hang it on the wall and when you open it up, it gives very direct directions on video of how to administer Naloxone, all the steps to it and what to do. Anyone can open it and get clear directions,” said New River Health District Outreach and Harm Reduction Coordinator, Chris Alderman.

“Being able to have the ONEbox at our discretion just makes it that much more accessible for students. We’re putting it in the student lounge. That’s a highly populated area. It’s next to the AED defibrillator as well,” said New River Community College Recovery Support Specialist Chad Fox.

The ONEbox at NRCC was donated by Alderman. who is with the Virginia Department of Health.

“One, because of the population. You just never know anything can happen. We want to make sure everyone is safe here, and two, New River Community College is established in the community as a place for people to come and get an education. We want things like Naloxone and substance abuse in our community to not be stigmatized,” said Alderman.

According to recent reports by the VDH, there have been 279 overdoses in the New River Valley from January 17, 20 24- November 30, 2024, with 7 of those ending in death. Overall, 481 doses of Naloxone were administered.

“Over 270 people have been reversed because of Naloxone,” said Alderman.

NRCC’s recovery program will play a crucial role in educating students and staff about the use of the ONEbox and the importance of overdose intervention. The program aims to foster a supportive community for individuals affected by substance use challenges.

“The more people see, the more people realize that it’s everywhere and we can’t keep pushing it under the rug. So, the Naloxone box along with the recovery program goes to show the community at whole needs it,” said Fox.

The college plans to place a ONEbox in each building on campus, as well as its Christiansburg site, ensuring that help is readily accessible.

Alderman’s goal is to get ONEboxes in more community colleges and health districts across the state.

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