Dreghorn firefighters are organising the first-ever Santa’s Grotto Drive Thru to raise funds for Cash for Kids and Fire Fighters’ Charity.
The Santa’s Grotto Drive Thru will take place at Dreghorn Community Fire Station on Sunday, December 15 from 12.30pm until 5pm.
On the day, families will drive through the appliance bay to meet Santa and receive a small selection box, along with a certificate stating they met Santa at Dreghorn Community Fire Station.
Children and adults will remain in their vehicles throughout the entire event.
While families wait in the queue for their turn, there will be mascots to interact with the kids and every child will receive a small bag of reindeer dust, hot chocolate and marshmallow.

There will be vintage fire trucks on show and lots of Christmas decorations.
Firefighter Kevin Webster said: “This is Dreghorn’s first year running the event which makes it extra special. We have had overwhelming support from local businesses and members of the public in terms of donations.
“It was a late start for the event planning and I was unsure if it would go ahead due to the work involved, however, the Scottish fire and rescue firefighters at Dreghorn on call-system have worked tirelessly to make it happen. This also couldn’t be done without the support from everyone making the donations.
“We are expecting a high volume of traffic so arrive in plenty of time to meet Santa, his elves and other mascots loaned to us by Bounce Station in Irvine.”
Firefighters are hoping to raise £1,000, with a total being split between Cash for Kids and Fire Fighters Charity.
Cash donations will be accepted on the day and there will be a card machine for anyone who would want to make contactless donations.
Kevin added: “There is no pressure from anyone to donate as this is a free event and especially during this time of year, not all can donate which is understandable.”
Prior to the event, members of the local community, businesses and organisations, have also handed in selection boxes.
Primark Irvine donated 179 selection boxes, GSK Irvine donated 70 selection boxes, Dreghorn Territorial Army donated 15 selection boxes, Tesco Irvine donated 24 selection boxes, Crown Inn donated 15 selection boxes and Eglington Arms Dreghorn donated 30 selection boxes.
Some businesses and organisations gave cash towards selection boxes and gift vouchers.
Irvine Men’s Shed gave £50 towards selection boxes, North Ayrshire Council donated £150 towards selection boxes, Pound Stretcher Irvine donated a bag of Christmas arts and crafts, while Brae Dreghorn and Harbour Lights donated £25 gift vouchers each.
Kevin said: “Most of the donations have come from different businesses and organisations. We originally had asked for selection boxes, lights and decorations. Some businesses gave cash to get selection boxes.
“One in particular was four-year-old Brogan from Stevenston who donated around 60 selection boxes. Brogan has been invited by myself for a special tour of Dreghorn Community Fire Station as a thank you for his contribution.”
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