A creepy Erskine man who sent a series of vile sexual messages to someone he thought was a 10-year-old girl was branded “every parent’s worst nightmare”.

Mark Fraser narrowly avoided jail after admitting he sent an undercover cop – posing as the youngster – a “series of messages” of an indecent nature where he discussed the sexual abuse of children.

Fraser said the age of 10 was a “cute” and “sexy” age before claiming he had sexual interactions with a young girl who lived close to him.

The 50-year-old beast’s home was raided by police who found indecent images of child sexual exploitation on his mobile phone.

Procurator fiscal depute Alison McFadyen previously told Paisley Sheriff Court: “On November 8, 2022, the accused was having a conversation on a chat platform with an undercover police officer – this was unknown to him at the time.

“The conversation began with him introducing himself as Joe and asking the recipient how old they were. The undercover officer replied stating they were 10.

“The accused replied, ‘Oh wow, that’s such a cute and sexy age’.

“Replying to the accused, the undercover officer stated, ‘body just growing, so gorgeous and perfect’.

“The accused made comments throughout the conversation and describing the person as ‘so sexy’.

“Fraser said to the officer that he had a little fun with a young girl who lived near to him who was aged around 11 or 12.”

The court heard how Fraser sexually described the young girl’s body and commented on her breasts.

Ms McFadyen added: “The accused described this girl as keen and eager and described receiving sucking and licking from her. The conversation ended at that point.

“Police officers were able to establish who the user of the account was and obtained a search warrant for the accused’s home.”

Cops attended Fraser’s Mains Wood home on May 17 last year and seized his mobile phone.

Ms McFadyen explained: “The accused admitted the phone was his and provided the pin number.

“A subscriber check confirmed the accused was the same person speaking to the undercover officer in November 2022.

“The phone was seized and analysed and two Category C images were found of female children aged between six and eight years old.

“Fraser was interviewed at Greenock police station where throughout he fully admitted using the messaging platform and had sexual conversations with others.

“He confirmed his mobile number and email address and stated he couldn’t remember having the conversation but stated no one else would have had his phone at that time.”

The court heard Fraser claimed to social workers, who prepared a background report ahead of his sentencing, that his position is that he thought he was talking to the father of a child.

Sheriff Gillian Craig slammed this excuse and stated it “didn’t sit with the facts of the narrative”.

Defence agent Paul Lynch said Fraser – who views himself as a “fantasist” – understood the court would view the communications as “very disturbing in nature”.

Mr Lynch added: “He acknowledges the offences meet the custody threshold, and I’ve explained why, and he accepts that.

“He has never served a period of imprisonment and my view is there is an alternative to custody available.”

Sheriff Craig blasted: “I don’t accept you thought you were communicating with the father of a girl.

“The context of these messages was explicit, it was highly inappropriate and highly alarming. It puts you in the category as every parent’s worst nightmare.

“Mr Lynch has convinced me to take a step back from custody.”

Fraser was ordered to carry out a total of 195 hours unpaid work in the community and made subject to supervision for three years with a requirement he undertakes the ‘Moving Forward for Change’ programme which is designed to provide treatment for people who commit sexual offences.

In addition, Fraser was placed on the sex offenders’ register for three years.

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