BLUEFIELD, W.Va. – Disaster assistance teams with the Federal Emergency Management Agency made their way through Bluefield’s east end on Thursday as they continue their push to help provide financial assistance for those affected by the remnants of Hurricane Helene.
FEMA leaders say the teams will continue to canvass Mercer County as long as they’re needed.
“We usually go where the emergency manager tells us to go. They let us know what the hardest hit areas are and who was affected and who might need our services in that area. Each day we meet up with them and make sure that we hit those places that they want us to reach out to,” said Tiana Suber, FEMA spokeswoman.
Suber says the disaster recovery center located at the Maple View Church of Christ is also still open for people to get more in depth help. Suber says the center is open Monday through Saturday from 8 am to 5 pm.
“With the disaster survivor assistance teams we’re mostly kind of getting people started with the registration process. We don’t go into detail about cases or anything like that or questions about your case,” said Suber. “That’s what the disaster recovery center is for. It’s more in depth. It will help you with all your questions about your application process.”
Suber says teams making their way around the county will have proper identification with them and to not be afraid to ask for it to avoid potential scammers looking to take advantage.
Suber says if people can’t make it to the disaster recovery center they should reach out to Mercer County’s Office of Emergency Management at 304-487-8448.
FEMA help available includes rental assistance, home repairs and moving and storage fees. The deadline to register for FEMA assistance is Feb. 7.
In addition to visiting the local FEMA recovery center near the Mercer Mall, residents also can apply for federal assistance online at www.Disasterassistance.Gov or by calling 1-800-621-3362.
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