Staff at a Pitlochry hotel have stepped in to rescue the town food bank’s Christmas Day lunch which helps feed more than 100 people who otherwise might miss out.
The Atholl Centre food bank was facing a shortage of staff to work at the annual meal due to financial difficulties.
However, workers at the town’s McKays Hotel Bar and Restaurant will now serve up the traditional three-course meal at the Atholl Centre and help with Christmas Eve deliveries.
It is a step up from its usual role over the last four years – along with its suppliers – to cook and provide hundreds of free Christmas Day meals for the foodbank and its festive home delivery programme.
On hearing of the food bank’s difficulties, McKays agreed to draft in its own staff to serve up the dishes to make sure the important event could take place without any difficulties.
Employees will also assist with the vital home delivery service, with around 150 meals to be produced and served in total.
McKays general manager Alec Summers said: “When we heard that there was a problem in getting staff this year, we wanted to help.
“The food bank is a really important service and they do a great job.
“With a reduction in funds, they rely on the generosity of locals and local businesses and we were more than happy to help.
“If you can’t do so at this time of year, when can you?
“It is nothing for us to take a few hours out of our week if it is going to make a really good day for others at this time of year.”
Head chef Richard Kirby was involved in the team effort to cook 120 festive meals last year and is getting ready for even more this time around.
He commented: “I think we are looking at up to 150 this time. We will serve some at the Food Bank and we will also deliver some to the houses of those in need.
“We try to do what we can and it is good to help. Ultimately, I am a chef. I love to feed people.”
As well as the Christmas Day effort, McKays is donating its December charity Quiz takings to the food bank, with hundreds of pounds worth of dry and canned goods being sourced to help stock the shelves in the New Year.