Christmas is right around the corner and many of us will be clocking off work for the festive period very soon – if you haven’t already. It’s a great time to meet up with friends and family, something that almost inevitably leads to overindulgence.
Whether it’s gorging on calorific snacks or enjoying your favourite festive tipple, we really like to enjoy ourselves at this time of year. Quite right too – but sometimes we can overdo it.
And while a hangover is horrible at any time, waking up on Christmas morning unable to face the thought of seeing your loved ones or tucking into some tasty food is a real sickener.
Luckily, the team at have come up with a list of seven hangover hacks to help you get over your festive fogginess and have you feeling fresh for all your important events over the holidays.
There are no guaranteed hangover cures, as everyone knows, but there are certainly things we can all do to make ourselves feel better in low moments. Read on to see how you can hold off your headaches.
Drink water before, during and after drinking

Hydration is the name of the game! If you know you are planning a boozing session that night, get yourself prepared by staying hydrated through the day. And although it can be hard to choose anything soft when faced with alcoholic delights at the bar or in your fridge, try to follow the match-drink-with-water rule.
If you stick to this by having a glass of water between each pint – or other drink of choice – you will stand a much better chance of feeling fresh in the morning. It is also good to make sure your last thought before bed is a glass of water, with another first thing in the morning (or whenever it is you wake up).
Avoid drinks high in congeners
Congeners, found in darker drinks like red wine, whisky, and rum, can worsen hangover symptoms. If you’re fearing a Christmas morning sore head, opting for lighter-coloured beverages might be the best option.
Beer, white wine, vodka, or gin cocktails are all better on this front. And if you do want a glass of red, lighter-bodied wines like pinot noir have fewer tannins.

Opt for low-alcohol options
It might not be the most popular option, but it is more sensible. Many wine and beer brands offer lower-alcohol options, allowing you to enjoy your favourite tipple while also pacing yourself.
If you are drinking spirits, you can pour smaller measures or dilute them with more mixers. If you like a white wine, you can add some soda water to make it a spritzer and keep you hydrated.
Have a nutritious breakfast
It’s often called the most important meal of the day – and it really can be if you wake up feeling worse for wear. A good breakfast can help you replenish the nutrients you lost the night before.
While it is tempting to go for something greasy, this might actually make things worse. Instead, opt for eggs, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables that will alleviate your hangover symptoms by restoring your energy.

Avoid caffeine
While many of us will want to reach for a large cup of coffee or tea when we’re struggling with a hangover, caffeine – like a fast food breakfast – can actually do more harm than good. Alcohol already dehydrates your body and the addition of caffeine can exacerbate this process, upsetting your stomach and making you feel more sluggish.
A herbal tea or electrolyte drink is a much better alternative.
Take a walk in the fresh air
Getting out of bed can be a real struggle on a hangover – and heading outside is an even bigger stretch. But going for a brisk walk in the fresh air is a brilliant way to blow off the cobwebs, improve circulation, and deliver oxygen to your brain – making you feel more alert and ready to tackle the day.
Ditch the ‘hair of the dog’ method
Many people think that having another drink, also known as the ‘hair of the dog’ method, will help them tackle their hangover. But while it might give you a short-term boost, it will only be putting off the inevitable.
Topping up your blood alcohol level will delay your body’s recovery and potentially lead to even worse symptoms when you do stop.
Caroline Lips, from, said: “Christmas is a time for celebration but it’s easy to get carried away with drinks and wake up with a dreaded sore head the next day. Staying hydrated is one of the simplest ways to reduce hangover symptoms.
“Start by increasing your water intake throughout the day before you start drinking, and while enjoying festive beverages, alternate each alcoholic drink with a glass of water to keep yourself hydrated.
“It’s also important to choose what you drink wisely, as certain types of alcohol are more likely to cause a hangover – even a simple swap like opting for a white wine or rosé instead of a full-bodied red wine can make a difference.
“If it’s already too late and you’ve woken up with a hangover, make sure to replenish lost fluids and follow it up with a hearty breakfast to restore nutrient and energy levels.”
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