Plans to turn the former Peggy’s Tearoom in Kirkoswald into a luxury four-bedroom property for holiday rental accommodation have been approved.
Ayrshire Live can reveal that a planning application was previously submitted to South Ayrshire Council, seeking permission for the works to be carried out at 43 Main Road, Kirkoswald.
Now the plans have been rubber stamped for the four-bed let and state-of-the-art living room and kitchen.
Agents in the proposals were Prestwick-based Elliott Architecture and Design Ltd and the applicant is Ayrshire hotel tycoon Bill Costley.
In a supporting statement the agents said: “This proposal is for a change of use from the property’s most recent use as food and drink premises (class 3) to rented sleeping accommodation (class 7).
“From an exterior perspective this application does not propose to alter the appearance of the building which will retain its traditional features in common with its conservation setting.”
The statement also goes on to reveal how the proposals for the interior of the building, which sits adjacent to Souter’s Inn, will include the provision of four “generous” bedrooms, supported by en-suite and communal bathrooms.
The property will also be served by a “spacious” kitchen and large living accommodation all of which will be finished to a “high standard.”

The statement adds: “The client proposes for the property to be available to rent by customers on a short-term basis.”
In a business operation statement, Costley & Costley Hoteliers Ltd said: “Carrick has number of tourism attractions and fantastic walks and we feel we can enhance the tourists experience with such a facility.
“This project, as well as giving employment to local builders, will also give employment long term to four staff.
“After a number of businesses closing in Kirkoswald, we feel this would give 43 Main Road a chance of financially being sustainable and hopefully create a regeneration in the village.”
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