A man has shared a photo of the “insane” Christmas gift he received from his mother-in-law, suggesting it might be “cursed”.

“It’s insane Christmas present time!” the man declared on Reddit, showing off the unusual gold ring his in-law had gifted him. “I’m a 48 year old man that is neither a goth or a Bond villain – yet my mother in law gave me this ring for Christmas. From her cackling as I opened the present, I assume the ring is cursed.”

After showcasing the gold jewellery, which is decorated with a huge black stone, he added: “Just to clarify – I may not be a goth myself, but I totally understand where goths are coming from. As for being a Bond villain, that just seems like too much hard graft.”

It prompted one Reddit user to ask: “What’s your relationship with her like? It’s easily big enough to fit explosives and a remote-controlled detonation device in.” A second agreed, joking: “That’s ridiculously large. I’d be worried there’s a tracking device or a hidden camera in there!”

A third person suggested: “That’s clearly a re-gift that she didn’t want. I’m a straight man in my thirties, and my MIL gave me an oversized wine glass with ‘Wine a little, laugh a lot’ written on it. In that over-stylised font that all mummy businesses use.”

Whilst an admirer of the gift wrote: “Ooh shiny! I’d love this as a gift but then I’m a 40 year old goth woman who ponders chaos on a daily basis.”

Elsewhere in the comments, another Reddit user chimed in with their thoughts on the ring’s background, saying: “I’m into rings without being an expert bus this look like a ring worn by muslims, an aqeeq stone specifically. Very beautiful ring by the way.”

The man expressed his gratitude for the information shared: “Thank you for that insight – having read up about the aqeeq rings, I’m more persuaded to wear it – I’m not a religious man, but if was good enough for Mohammed, then it’s certainly good enough for me! Thanks for the comment – you’ve taught me something.”

He also humorously entertained the idea of adopting a new style, responding to suggestions about becoming a “goth”: “Yeah – I think becoming a goth is an option – I’ve always loved The Cult and in my teen years the goth lads always had the best-looking girlfriends,” he said. “I think my wife would have some opinions on this subject, so Bond villain, pimp or Ming The Merciless seem to be the sensible options.”

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