A crowd funder aimed at saving Prestwick St. Cuthbert Golf Club from financial disaster has so far raised nearly £7,000.
Ayrshire Live can reveal that officials have admitted the club is facing “financial challenges,” which has prompted their online appeal.
In the appeal, issued by general manager, Sarah Eckford, the club hopes to raise as much as £70,000 stave off possible closure.
It’s understood that the financial problems have been exacerbated, in part, due to a bitter legal dispute, after the club tried to impose subscription fees on individuals who were previously “exempt.”
The battle ended up in the Edinburgh Court of Session for a judicial review.
Now one insider has claimed the club is in “serious peril” financially.
The source said: “I think it would make an interesting local public interest story about how the club is in dire straits financially due to some “life members “ refusing to accept changes at the club which would have taken away their future right to free membership.
“In fact, they are taking the club to court for not following club rules and are demanding recompense. This is causing significant financial pressure to the club to the point it may have to close as a club.
“It is wrong for a few selfish members to put the club at such risk and worry to the other 700ish members.”
The source added: “Running a golf club is expensive and the future of Prestwick St. Cuthbert Golf Club is now in serious peril. I think this story is an important one showing the plight of golf, even in this historically famous golf region, is very serious.”
But there are those on the other side of the argument who claim that, in previous years, they stumped up thousands of pounds for life memberships and they have questioned why they should have to fork out once again, this time for a yearly subscription.
There was also anger that the club did not follow the correct procedures when they sought the initial change to life membership arrangements.
As a result, the recent court action has had financial implications for the club’s coffers, prompting officials to seek the help of the Ayrshire public.

In her gofundme appeal Ms Eckford said: “Prestwick St. Cuthbert Golf Club has been a cherished part of our community for generations. Known for its friendly atmosphere, stunning course and welcoming membership, the club has brought people together through a shared passion for golf and camaraderie.
“Prestwick St. Cuthbert Golf Club is proud to be home to one of the most vibrant junior sections in Scotland, with a 100 young golfers learning, competing, and thriving on our course. These juniors are the future of our club and the game we all love.”
The appeal continues: “Like many community organisations, we are facing financial challenges. With rising costs of maintenance, operations, development and other financial pressures all threatening our ability to continue providing the golf facilities that have been supporting the local community for over 125 years. We are asking for your help to ensure that all our members and juniors continue to grow, develop and enjoy the sport for years to come.”
The aims of the £70k online appeal are:
- Improve Course Maintenance
- Upgrade Club Facilities and to
- Support Junior and Community Initiatives.
Sarah’s appeal goes on: “Every donation, no matter the size, will contribute directly to the preservation and growth of Prestwick St. Cuthbert Golf Club. Whether you’re a lifelong golfer, a local supporter, or simply a lover of the game, your generosity will make a real difference and help us develop a great facility.”
The appeal adds: “With your help, we can ensure that Prestwick St. Cuthbert Golf Club remains a place where tradition meets the future. Donate today and keep the spirit of Golf alive at Prestwick St. Cuthbert!”
To donate go to: https://gofund.me/8e970d89
In an update this week, Ms Eckford added: “Many, many thanks to all the people who have made a donation over the festive period. It is very much appreciated and great to know that we have your support to help save our wonderful golf course and the future of Prestwick St Cuthbert Golf Club.”
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