COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (KKTV/Gray News) – A zoo in Colorado is ringing in the new year with a new resident.
The Cheyenne Mountain Zoo announced the birth of a Hoffmann’s two-toed sloth on Dec. 18.
The baby was born to first-time mom Aysan, who is 9, and dad Bosco, a 32-year-old male.

“Some call sloth babies ‘pups,’ ‘infants,’ or even ‘slow-bies,’” the zoo said in a news release. “Everyone can agree to call this wee one ‘adorable.’”
The baby does not yet have a name and is currently bonding with mom Aysan out of public view.
“I love the way it lifts its head out of her chest fur and slowly looks around, just kind of taking it all in,” Scutes Family Gallery’s lead keeper Amber Callen-Ward said in a statement. “Aysan has been a great first-time mom, grooming the baby by licking its face, which is so sweet. She and the baby have been bonding well.”
The zoo said that it will let guests know once Aysan and her baby are able to be viewed by the public.
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